I do similar. Cross the name out with a Sharpie and write "MOVED".
After owning the place for two years now I just throw it out.
I do similar. Cross the name out with a Sharpie and write "MOVED".
After owning the place for two years now I just throw it out.
Agree. Grew up and live in the states but read international news, tech stories, science news, etc.
It is just easier for me to remember a little of the metric than stopping to do a conversion each time.
This was the low hanging fruit. The good stuff takes a little more work.
As of two hours ago still unknown: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/19/president-raisis-helicopter-crashed-in-iran-what-we-know-so-far
I loved the R32-R34 in the late 90s. I still do. They were raw sports cars. Since I'm in the States they have never been affordable and 25 years later still don't have the disposable income to get one.
The R35 was different from the beginning. More refined, etc...
Boring in my mind.
Damn. The handles and doors look a lot like the Metro North trains that run into NYC.
I see the down votes.
I assume picture uploads are not allowed but are somehow happening. This post was to inform the mods and see if there was a policy change.
I'll edit my post.
My sister has had two boxers. They are very friendly but a bit dim witted.
My malti-poo is the same way. Very loving but not too smart. My cat is way smarter than the dog.
Look up "chicken tax." This is the real reason you can't buy a small import truck.
Ford used to (and probably still does) ship small Transits to the states fitted to carry passengers and then rip out the seats to sell as work vans.
While in college we considered any evening snow to mean the next day would have classes canceled. Usually wrong but we had fun.