Creating artificial scarcity to push your fans to buy an overpriced digital release?

Not very metal.

Maybe it's just me, but I think entities that deliberately spread and use malware should be punished and held accountable. Too bad these entities help write the laws.

I tried ProtonVPN and got a refund, because their Linux implementation is lacking

Witcher 3 was great even though the pacing almost lost me. I'm the kind of player who plays one main story mission and then has to complete all available side quests, before continuing the main quest. It's the reason the only Bethesda Game I have ever finished is Oblivion.

That's why I recommend people to stick with it and finish some main quests if you ever feel like the game loses yo.

A little PSA: buying a game just before a sale, is a legitimate reason for a refund according to their Refund FAQ

I have never played a From Software game. Sekiro is really tempting to get, because I never could see myself dodging/rolling around the big enemies and bosses. Mostly human-sized enemies and parrying sounds much more appealing to me. But the difficulty has scared me off thus far and it never went below 50% off

You could check out c/datahoarder. They should be able to tell you about brands, reliability, best practices ...

Wird auch Zeit. Wie kann man einen Politiker der im Spionage Verdacht für China UND Russland steht, länger tragen?


Das ist ja ein Anderer. Hier geht es um Rassismus und Geldwäsche? Und dann sag einer noch, die AFD wäre nicht divers

Deshalb lache ich jedem ins Gesicht, der behauptet Kernkraft ist billig und und eine kurz- bis mittelfristige Alternative für Deutschland.

Bei unserer Bürokratie muss man doch bestimmt mit ein Minimum von 20 Jahren von Projektstart bis Inbetriebnahme rechnen.

Vielleicht kann in solchen Fällen Neuzustellen helfen. Eine Anleitung wie man DHL Sendungen, die ungewollt in einer Packstation landen, neu zugestellt bekommt.

[-] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

T480. Still good availability. It was popular with companies that put them back into th e market a few years ago.

Last model without glued RAM. So it's upgradable and you can install two M.2 drives. One with 2240 length and a full-size 2280 in the main drive bay.

The battery setup is great as well. One internal battery plus an external you can choose depending on your needs. Either small and light for a bit more juice or big and heavy for max runtime.

I got one 6 months ago and couldn't be happier.

Great. Now I'll wait another year to get it for at least 50% off.

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