@finitebanjo @melpomenesclevage If Biden had the debate performance in the primary that he had on the General he would have lost to a wet paper bag.
@Cryophilia I agree with you, that's why I voted for Harris, even though there are multitudes of major politicians I would support before her. But if elections were just about what was objectively best almost no elected officials would be in office. You have to at least attempt to play the game of politics and the DNC has flatly refused to do so the last three elections (and lost two of them).
This is the time to discuss that. There's a non-zero chance that the DNC tries to anoint someone like Tim Kaine like $insult to the nomination and then they loose to some Diet Trump person. And I really don't think waiting until 2032 to fix what's being broken today is a good plan.
@Cryophilia @crusa187 Harris failed because given the choice <%1% of Democrats would choose her as their candidate in an open, competitive primary. When she ran for the nomination in 2020 she got less than 1k votes nationwide, among female candidates she was 5th, and when Biden announced that he wanted a black woman VP, the logical choice was Stacy Abrams, not Harris.
Harris is a deeply flawed candidate who doesn't appeal to really any single group except maybe cops. And cops always vote Republican.
On top of that, without a primary, she lacked a fresh bench of exciting Democrats to recruit to campaign and join her staff (think of the way Buttigieg was an effective campaigner in the Rust Belt for Biden) and she didn't have a competent campaign staff who knew her as a candidate and had just figured out how to be a national candidate.
The DNC failed this election by not holding primaries for a Candidate that was clearly mentally compromised. And it cost them the election. If you replace Trump with "Generic Republican" it would have been a Reagan '84 level bloodbath.
@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org Secure in persons and papers means that if I choose to make it so secure, there is no Lawful access.
@alexc Yes but the US doesn't prevent you from that and won't jail you for that. Canada enforces that law.
@alexc It's citizens that bring those Guns into Mexico. It's legal to do so until they've crossed into Mexico. So in theory if we see you on the US side of the border heading into Mexico with a nominally legal weapon, we're not suppose to stop you.
Trump essentially promised that this would change. Which is a pretty big deal as that's how a lot of guns come into Mexico for the Cartels.
@JOMusic It's actually a pretty big concession Trump gave up. Theoretically we're not allowed to restrict the flow of firearms out of the country because of the 2nd Amendment. So it opens up a whole can of worms as to how legally we'll restrict that flow of weapons (or even if we can).
@d00ery @MicroWave Truthfully, I think most of America is unaware of just how expensive these changes are.
@itwasntme223 Is keyoxide a federated keybase?