What's your problem with Dildos Georg? He's a cool guy
Also, it is true that the US and other western countries supported keeping the Khmer Rouge as Cambodia’s official UN representative, however, that was mostly done to undermine Vietnam’s rule over cambodia.
Funny how liberals think attrocities are ok when done in the name of anticommunism lmao
It does come back to it because the "fittest" nations are barbarians as shit.
Giving facts without appropriate context IS manipulation.
Stalin certainly wasn't stupid enough to genuinely ally with the nazis and did took pragmatic decision after he was turned away by the ally, who hated communism as much as hitler.
It totally does change it. Making a non-aggression pact with the biggest military in the world just sounds like a rational move.
How is that sewing division? We also glorify nazism here in western europe
Ethopia and the rest of africa got colonized by capitalists, idiot. It tells us a whole lot about which economical system is better.
Of course if you only see the receiving end of theft, you would think theft is great.
TheRe Was THiS THinG CallEd The SoviEt UnioN
The russians got sick of dying for the tsar during ww1. They revolted. Six months later, ww1 "ended" (between germans and british, that is) and everybody was redeployed to russia.
Of course a country that's being invaded is totalitarian, wtf do you expect?