[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 13 points 8 months ago

Just what we needed, a new tool for the 0.1% to ruin this planet for everyone even faster.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 11 points 9 months ago

Germany. One of the oldest populations in the world. Results for the most recent PISA study were terrible. There's a huge shift to the political right, where even the so called social democrats call for more restrictive immigration policy, while the scientific consensus is that we urgently need mass immigration now to build a workforce that can keep the economy afloat.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 14 points 11 months ago

Abgebildet ist aber keine Fledermaus sondern ein aye-aye oder auch Fingertier, eine stark bedrohte Lemurenart und der letzte Vertreter seiner Familie, aus der alle anderen Arten bereits ausgestorben sind:


[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 13 points 11 months ago

Also, Hamas didn't just come up in a vacuum. People here in Germany are radicalizing because they were asked to wear masks during a pandemic and they heard that brown people are now seeking refuge in Germany. Palestinians have been suppressed, starved and killed for decades and none of the more moderate forces have been able to do anything about it. Not that Hamas would do any better, but it's understandable that people support more radical movements when they're literally fighting for their survival.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 14 points 11 months ago

What does 'strip' mean in this context? (not a native speaker)

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 11 points 1 year ago

Wann war die SPD zuletzt eine linke Partei? Ich kenne einen Parteienforscher der meint das war unter Friedrich Ebert...

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 13 points 1 year ago

Thanks, that was a very good read. It would be interesting to know how many people in Israel share these views, because from far away it seems like everyone is onboard with causing even more suffering and bloodshed as an act of revenge.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 13 points 1 year ago

That is just blatant misinformation. Name one single coal plant that has been restarted since nuclear power was phased out.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 14 points 1 year ago

We are trying to get more heat pumps installed, but people are still proud of getting a new gas furnace installed in 2023, thus avoiding a potential ban and betting on guaranteed dirt-cheap natural gas for another 20 years.

But either way, nuclear power is history in Germany and it makes absolutely no sense to bring it back. We never had a lot of nuclear power to begin with and the few power plants that could maybe be reactivated with a ton of money and labor are just a drop in the bucket. Building new reactors takes decades from initial planning to going live and nuclear construction projects are notorious for immense cost overruns. Plus, there are only a few construction companies in the world that have the capabilities to build a nuclear reactor and they're already tied up in other projects. We would need dozens of new reactors built simultaneously and they would still be finished too late to contribute anything meaningful to a carbon-free electrical grid.

At the same time, wind energy is a dirt cheap, proven technology that is much more easily deployed, scales really well, is decentralized and reliable. Yes, it can be intermittent but it's predictable (weather forecasts exist). And if we had invested a fraction of the R&D budget for nuclear fission and fusion into energy storage technology, it would be a complete non-issue. We have some work to do in that regard, but sodium ion batteries are pretty far in development and should be much cheaper. Iron redox flow and liquid metal batteries also have potential, maybe hydrogen. Demand response will also be a big factor. With flexible pricing during the day, both households and businesses can save a lot of money by using more energy whenever there's a lot of it and less when it's scarce.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 11 points 1 year ago

The difference is the 'L' in LPG. It turns liquid at a relatively low pressure and takes up much less space then. Hydrogen does not do that, so it has to be stored at a much, much higher pressure. For example, a medical oxygen bottle or a scuba tank has around 200 atm of pressure. For cars, hydrogen is usually stored at 700 atm. And the pressure inside an LPG tank is around 8 atm at room temperature.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 11 points 1 year ago

Immigration is likely to skyrocket over the next decade.

Slovenia is one of the countries that you would expect people to migrate to. It still has a moderate climate, no severe droughts, not affected by rising sea levels (except a very small coastline), no tsunamis, no hurricanes, no typhoons... This just goes to show that there are no safe places. Doesn't matter where you live, climate change can and will have disastrous consequences for you.

The number one thing people can do is get informed about climate change, talk to others and try to get them onboard without pointing fingers. And then vote accordingly. It doesn't matter how much you recycle, ride your bike, stop flying- it won't make a dent without major policy changes.

[-] notapantsday@feddit.de 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Die Zahl der Krankheitsbilder, die wirklich umfassend und gut in einem kleinen Krankenhaus behandelt werden können, schrumpft aber immer weiter zusammen.

Das geht schon bei Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall los. Für ersteres braucht es zumindest ein Herzkatheterlabor, das rund um die Uhr mit gut qualifiziertem Personal besetzt ist (auch in der Urlaubszeit). Um einen Schlaganfall gut behandeln zu können muss es die Möglichkeit zur Thrombektomie geben. Eine Gefäßchirurgie wird in beiden Fällen bei Komplikationen gebraucht.

Und auch die Pneumonie oder die kardiale Dekompensation kann nur in den einfachen Fällen überall behandelt werden, sobald Komplikationen auftreten, braucht es auch zusätzliche Ausstattung. Es gibt immer noch Kliniken ohne CT oder wo das CT nur zu bestimmten Zeiten besetzt ist. Und was macht man, wenn die kardiale Dekompensation ein Troponin entwickelt oder EKG-Veränderungen hat?

Es wird einfach so unfassbar viel verlegt weil `Patient*innen einfach nicht in einem geeigneten Krankenhaus landen. Das ist zum einen ein enormer Aufwand, bindet unheimlich viel Personal nicht nur beim Rettungsdienst sondern auch in den Kliniken. Zum anderen verlieren die Patient*innen aber auch entscheidende Zeit, in der sie keine wirksame Therapie bekommen.

Sorry, aber diese "Kliniken der Maximalverlegung" müssen einfach schließen. In ländlichen Regionen braucht es gut besetzte MVZs, wo alles gemacht wird was ambulant möglich ist. Aber für die Notfallversorgung und schwerwiegendere Krankheitsbilder braucht es gut ausgestattete, große Kliniken mit allen wichtigen Fachrichtungen.

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