[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 7 points 4 months ago

Die Demokratie hat einige Schwächen, unter anderem dass sie sich mit ihren eigenen Mitteln abschaffen lässt. Es braucht also keinen Putsch oder gewaltsamen Umsturz um aus einer Demokratie z.B. eine Diktatur zu machen. Und das kann eine Partei dann auch gegen den Willen des Volkes tun, weil sie die nächsten Wahlen nicht zu fürchten braucht.

Eine andere Schwäche ist, dass man ja gar nicht das ganze Volk hinter sich haben muss, sondern nur die Mehrheit. Das kann man ausnutzen, indem man größere Teile der Bevölkerung gegen eine Minderheit aufhetzt, zu Hass aufstachelt und der Minderheit Rechte entzieht. So kann die Mehrheit sich überlegen fühlen und das Gefühl haben, dass Partei XY für sie besonders viel tut.

Damit diese Schwächen nicht ausgenutzt werden, um der Demokratie als ganzes oder einzelnen Gruppen zu schaden, gibt es eben einige Spielregeln.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 7 points 4 months ago

Es ist ein wichtiger Schritt.

Es wird immer wieder gesagt, dass der Verfassungsschutz eigentlich schon seit letztem Jahr eine Einstufung der gesamten AfD als 'gesichert rechtsextrem' vorbereitet hat, aber noch den Ausgang dieses Verfahrens abwarten wollte um ggf. nachbessern zu können, falls das Gericht etwas an der letzten Einstufung bemängelt.

Das ist nach dieser Revision ganz offensichtlich nicht der Fall und dass die AfD mit ihren weiteren Versuchen noch irgendwie Erfolg haben wird, extrem unwahrschenlich.

Somit können wir schon damit rechnen, dass die neue Einstufung der Partei insgesamt demnächst kommen wird. Und damit steigt dann auch der Druck auf Bundesrat, Bundestag und Bundesregierung, ein Verbot zu beantragen.

Gleichzeitig sollte das für uns ein neues Signal sein, wieder aktiv zu werden und zwar diesmal mit der konkreten Forderung nach einem Verbot. Demonstrieren, Abgeordneten Briefe schreiben, Leserbriefe, Online seine Meinung auch außerhalb der eigenen Bubble vertreten... da müssen wir dann richtig Druck machen, damit es auch was wird mit dem Verbot.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago

The town I live in burned down almost completely in 1787, so most historic buildings in the city were built after that. The city wall is probably the oldest structure, but it's unknown when it was originally built. The oldest building with a known year of construction is most likely the church that was built in 1246.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Same here, I have one idea for a simple 2D game that I would like to make just so it exists. I even got myself Unity (before they stopped being cool) and tried to do some tutorials, but I just don't have what it takes.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

Yes, fully agree. They make absolutely no sense at all.

Considering that predicting the next word from context is the one thing LLMs are really good at, I just don't understand how none of these developments have found their way into predictive keyboards.

I've actually switched to ThumbKey and while I don't think I'm faster with it (yet), it's at least so much less frustrating and that's worth a lot to me.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

They're only down there for a very short time and they don't have a lot of nitrogen stored in their lungs, so decompression sickness is usually not an issue. I think there have been a few cases, especially with repeated, very deep dives. But nothing you have to worry about as a normal hobby freediver.

Passing out at the surface is quite common though, but not due to decompression sickness. It's the lack of oxygen that can happen when you have learned to completely ignore your urge to breathe and then stay down for too long. The reason why you pass out at the surface and almost never at the bottom, is because the water pressure compresses the air in your lungs. At a depth of 10 meters (30 feet), four liters of air in your lungs are compressed down to two liters. This is basically "concentrated air", which contains "concentrated oxygen". If the air is compressed to half the volume, it's like having twice as much oxygen in it. Then, as you ascend to the surface, the air in your lungs expands again, turning the concentrated oxygen into regular oxygen and then it's just not enough anymore and you pass out.

That's why it's recommended to always have someone with you who stays at at the surface and who can step in if you pass out, keeping your head above the water. It has never happened to me, but I'm really a beginner and I still have an urge to breathe that forces me to go back to the surface after a short while.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 58 points 5 months ago

You can go much deeper than 10 fathoms without supplemental oxygen, half the people reading this right now could do it with some training.

The world record is 117 fathoms on a single breath.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 11 points 5 months ago

Fuck Philips. Pozidriv is so much better.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

People don't dislike neoliberalism, they dislike the effects it has on society. But they fail to connect the dots.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

In the same vein, freediving is easy to learn up to a certain point and safe as long as you don't hyperventilate and stay away from caves. Most people can learn to dive to 10-15m and look around a bit before they have to resurface. That's far from breaking any records, but enough to have fun and see some cool stuff that you can't see from the surface.

Plus, you don't need any special gear, besides snorkel, mask and fins.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 49 points 1 year ago

I didn't fully quit reddit, but I'm going to Lemmy first and foremost and rarely go back to reddit for very specific communities. My reddit usage dropped by 90+% probably, but I'm not completely gone.

I'm sure the same is true for many other users as well, so simply counting the number of (active) users then and now won't get even close to the actual loss in traffic and participation.

[-] notapantsday@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

That's what I use and it's the best weather app I've seen so far. The coolest thing is, when you're choosing weather providers, it will show you the current forecast for each one, so you can compare them better.

And it has so many widgets that are easy to configure.

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