I stopped giving a fuck after my first glued phone repair attempt. Until that point it was kind of fun and very rewarding, and the glued ones are just pure frustration. Big tech won, I don't repair phones any more.
Tactical comment: reply here if you discover how to switch
But you can uninstall them and install a lower version
When I quit Facebook over 10 years ago it was because it stopped showing me my friends' posts and pushed random crap instead. I literally had to go friends' profiles to see their posts even when checking the feed several times a day.
Looks like nothing changed?
Exactly, one of the last products not sold in single use plastic packaging yet gets shat on
I install ncdu on any machine I set up, because installing it when it's needed may be tricky
Vim is so good on mobile! I never understood its odd shortcuts (hjkl, for example) until I got to use it on a crippled mobile keyboard.
IDA Pro (a disassembler) is closed source but came with a license that allowed disassembly and binary modification. Unfortunately, that's no longer the case.
I used raw SSH for years but occasionally I had to share accesss to a repo with sonebody else, and the whole dance with creating an unix user and giving proper permissions was only fun for the first time.
How much time do you think it takes to design a new phone?
A week, because a car takes 5 years and a phone is 1/250 the size of a car?
"Halassy has no regrets about self-treating" well no shit xD