Never played DnD but the US community is 90% DnD so...
I play Shadowrun and Blades in Dark for now.
Never played DnD but the US community is 90% DnD so...
I play Shadowrun and Blades in Dark for now.
I had such player at my table but it was more that they could ignore what they knew. So they still were doing perception checks and I was still responding but randomly, without saying it.
Once, for a critical failure on a perception check, I said they saw the lord was too bright, too clean, and wait are those scales? Could be a dragonborn or even more? They spend the full enquiry rejecting the possibility to have a dragon in disguise. Sad for them.
At least it's a different packaging, not owned by Hasbro, and it shows that something else exists.
Please an RPG not DnD. Try to break free from this monoculture.
I knew it! Feet are not real! Nobody is using such unit in real life!
(Sorry, not sorry 😛)
Given that the average phone has 35 apps installed, keeping your phone private could soon cost around € 8,815 a year.
Nice argument they found.
I find this article more complex than it should. For me the logic is more basic:
You want to ban encryption? So no https so no banking online.
Facebook average revenue per user (ARPU) as of 2nd quarter 2023, by region (in U.S. dollars)
Q2 '23 :
(Dollars for 3 months)
And you trust the ower of the establishment, of the softwares, of the Internet, and the bank to not steal your data. Right. I wish you to be correctly assured. At least by your bank.
And don't forget, in case of data breach, change your palm.
Someone took the novel "The Java Script Café" from "Stealing the network: How to own an identity" (page 141) and made a business model for it.
Which God?
My first reaction would be that they summon, permit it to enter our world, and are the first ones to die as the entity/god just doesn't care.
Inspiration could be found in End of the world: wrath of the gods, or Fate of Cthulhu.
Or the original followers become their ennemies to be the first to summon the gods.