Yes and?
- They're getting paid.
- It's a job.
- They're humans who can choose to be better.
- They're humans who can choose to fight their bosses out of some idiotic love of the game to the detriment of their own mental health because they're crazy. (I'm describing myself).
- They're humans who can stall or break awful things from coming to pass by refusing to work on something or sabotaging it.
This is about a door to those possibilities closing, not about how many software developers are forced through it. I'm not going to cheer on an awful totalizing future dark age of technology simply because the current odds are bad.
And yeah this won't actually kill higher end devs in my understanding of the world, I'll be able to find a job. But, it will kill the social reproduction of people like me. In the same way that the iPad killed broad user-focused technological literacy from zoomers to millenials, LLMs will ultimately destroy the current level of developer-focused technological literacy. There won't even be guys who can't code their way out of a paper bag using StackOverflow or guys who memorize LeetCode solutions. It will just be old-heads powerful enough to avoid the cull and nobody else, until we die.
There are certainly bad programming jobs, but programming jobs in general are extreme labor aristocracy. Yes people are chasing the bag, but they're certainly not "survival jobs". Within the system until you reach senior levels is no real discriminator between "bag chaser" and "person who is trying to learn", both these are going to get squad wiped.
There's certainly still going to be a path to being a SE. But it's going to be autodidact hobbyists who start extremely young. As a person who has been running Linux since 5th grade, who got a CCNA at 16, who has only had programming or network jobs since high school, this is the worst path because the reality of the career at scale murders your passion. If I don't age out I'm betting my next 10 years are going to be uncomfortably close to Player Piano, and that's something that's entirely dreadful. Instead of teaching juniors to program at scale while giving them boring CRUD tasks, I'll be communing with machine spirits so "they" can generate the basic crud endpoints and the component screens.
The reality of being a greybeard is that if you're close to retirement in this industry like my dad is, you're gonna do the same shit jobs as the bag chasers. They'll stick you in the basement and steal your stapler if you even make it past the vibe check interview. The only way to avoid this is to be a lifer somewhere, but that in itself is a challenge.
The difference between the previous developments and now, is that it may improve productivity now in your case and the case of the 1000 juniors, but tomorrow it's going to actually undercut demand for people. Building a system that builds and deploys applications has been the goal of several public and private projects I've been privy to. I agree this exact use-case that you linked is an example of a way to not have to learn ANTLR or how an AST works and flip a coin if it works. In practice though, this is step 1. Code generation has improved significantly in the last year alone across the whole LLM ecosystem. The goal isn't' to write maintainable code or readable code, the goal is to write deploy-able code with 90% feature coverage. Filling the last 10% with freelancers or in house engs. depending on scale. To me that's a worse job than the job I have now, at least now I can teach others how to do what I do. If that's taken away from me I'm not fucking doing this job anymore. I don't care about computers because in reality this job at scale is about convincing morons to stop micromanaging how you build things.