You're responsible for everything!!!
That implies they're specifically searching for their female teachers on onlyfans like horny 14 year olds.
We need a better color profile to see her. Maybe enable HDR?
You have a plan, that doesn't involve them. And it was all for good.
Penpot, inkscape, gimp, krita. You get no preset templates but they all do the same thing as canva. If you're not looking for something opensource then you can try postermywall.
Ah, so that's why she pissed herself.
Okay guys it's fixed! I had to reboot into an older kernel, that did it. I was kinda panicking, cuz i have to use it for work.
Hahaha good one. I'll look it up in the ancient penguin libraries.
No country is fighting as hard against poverty as they are against piracy.
Trypophobia pecker
Eyy, is that mental outlaw?
It won't do anything to their market share. At work my colleagues keep asking me "Why don't you use chrome?" or saying things like "Isn't Firefox slow?". They simply don't know or don't care to know. Also Firefox IS slow or just doesn't work, not because it's a bad browser but I've been seeing a trend of websites being designed to make it appear slow, like YouTube takes 5 extra secs on Firefox to load videos Clipcham and Adobe outright not supporting Firefox on their websites. The internet is a clown show.