[-] rainn@hexbear.net 23 points 1 day ago

Thank you comrade! Exactly what I've been saying. You're always great with sources.

@RomCom1989@hexbear.net check above.

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 18 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ok,I will say that I did put the disclaimer that that "outlet" was western owned, basically I wanted to show people what the western narrative is.

The western narrative which conveniently aligns with yours, and like every fascist and liberal ever.

Second,I disagree that Moldova is a "colony" of Romania. They are definitely distinct in their identity,but to classify them as a different people is quite frankly ridiculous

Romanians and Moldovans are similar, yes, I'm not denying that, but Moldovans do not consider themselves Romanian. Polls continously show even after Chisinau changed the official language to Romanian that people identify as Moldovan and as speaking Moldovan. Even older Moldovan sources, Grigore Ureche, say Moldova is not Wallachia.

However,you are correct when you say that Romania practically colonized Transnistria during WW2 and that it has no legitimate claim to the area.

Romania has no legitimate claim to Moldova. The "reunification" of 1918 was done to counter a Soviet Moldova. Romanian troops went in to protect the Moldovan boyars in 1918, there was no peaceful reunification, it was annexation like the Soviets have insisted for so long.

Also, for example, in WW2, the Romanian army had over 60.000 Bessarabian defectors. Moldovans didn't want to fight on the side of Romania. There was widespread celebration and happiness as Romanians got kicked out of Moldova with the Soviet arrival

I just can't square the circle that they're not at all connected to Romania (which has more Moldova than actual Moldova now).

I haven't stated Romania and Moldova are not connected, of course the countries are next to each other and influence each other. The problem is that even if Romania and Moldova are similar that does not give Romania a right to annex Moldova under the pretense of gathering all Romanians from everywhere.

Also,people not familiar with the history of the region?I live next to the point where Romania,Moldova and Ukraine meet,

I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to other Hexbear users.

but to say that Moldova,who literally speaks the same language,but with more Russian loanwords and an accent is frankly hilariously ahistorical

I agree that Moldovan and Romanian are 95% similar, yet people insist they speak Moldovan. I doubt Romanians know better than what the Moldovan people themselves say in numerous surveys

In the 2004 census, 16.5% (558,508) of the 3,383,332 people living in Moldova declared Romanian as their native language, whereas 60% declared Moldovan

In a survey conducted in four villages near the border with Romania, when asked about their native language the interviewees identified the following: Moldovan 53%, Romanian 44%, and Russian 3%.

Taken from fedipedia

Yes they are similar. No that doesn't mean they are the same. Even if you understand everything being spoken that doesn't override the autonomy of those people. Language is a highly political thing and saying Moldovans speak Romanian only furthers Romanian interests in the region, in this case taking over Moldova via "reunification".

I mean cozying up with the west is beneficial to Romanian national interests

Sigh, what the fuck? Can you stop with the whole "letting them pillage the whole country is actually beneficial cause we can get the land muh soviets stole from us" that the fascists also did in WW2?

but the idea that they'd be doing worse than small towns and villages in Romania already are I think is overblown

Small villages and towns are dirt poor and getting depopulated and actively brain drained. EU and Schengen would further the brain exports.

and frankly I'm with my country's interest on this one

Identifying with liberal US compradors that would send you to the frontlines to fight for NATO?

We take what we can from the west and then when they start looking less and less attractive as an option we go to the next power

NATO is building one of the biggest bases in Romania. NATO is occupying Romania, you cant just go to the next power.

so I'm not too inclined to attach a territory that is mostly populated by people way more culturally similar to Romania to the RF

I have never stated this. You seem keen to integrate Moldova in either Romania or Russia. By this standard many countries of the world shouldn't exist.

Of course,if Moldova wants to take a chance at independence,let them,but they have no economic potential.

Moldova is being hollowed out by the literal US embassy. Joining Romania would make that worse as the plunder will happen by the national comprador burgeois and by the EU way easier due to reduced tarrifs and being in the same country etc.

Belarus is culturally distinct and yet it seems to be more and more integrated into Russia by the day

Belarus has the Union State with Russia, they are neighbors and are integrating due to NATO aggression.

That's not a bad thing,is it? I agree that us being under the boot of the West will make this messy and cause a lot of pain,but you can't tell me Moldova is viable as a state.

This is totally different from Belarus and Russia cause Russia isn't trying to literally annex Belarus into itself, the union state isnt that. Also look again at what you are advocating for.

A "Moldovan federation" where Gagauzia and Pridniestrovie get to boss over Chisinau and Balti?

Suddenly the minorities in Moldova boss around the majority, come on.

Ok,let's say Romania wasn't under NATO,and Moldova wasn't under the thumb of the US. Would you be against unification if say,Dej's Romania unified with Moldova?

That would be up for Moldova to decide on. The current liberal narrative is that bad Stalin made up a whole language and culture just to shit on Romania, which is absurd. I can link to more pro-Moldovan historiography if you wish.

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 69 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

@RomCom1989@hexbear.net I'm posting a reply as a separate post as it's easier for me to respond to all of your points.

This might be a controversial take,but I'm frankly pro the west winning on this one

Moldova is basically owned by the US embassy, see: https://thegrayzone.com/2023/05/18/leaked-recordings-state-corruption-moldova/

Moldova getting integrated into the imperial structures even more will be a disaster for its population. Moldova is already embargoing Pridnistrovie (Transnistria is the name proposed by the Romanian invaders when they conquered the region.) which makes it incredibly hard for the people living there in that small enclave. Moldova needs to "fix" it's "problem" in Pridnistrovie to join NATO and EU which means to destroy it passively or actively. Even if the pro EU cucks are in charge which want Romania to annex Moldova, majority of the population is opposed even with their 24/7 propaganda about Russian influence and how Moldova needs to "unite" with Romania.

Now, obviously I don't support the EU or western interests expanding,but,and this may be chauvinist brainworms,I do believe Moldova's future

Moldova was never "romanian" this is Great Romania chauvinist brainworms indeed. Moldova was its own thing dating back to the 1400s or earlier, even sources adopted by Romanian historiographers admit this.

Either us or Russia

Romania had a committee for the romanianization and colonization of Moldova:

Translation: Directorate of Romanianization, Colonization and Inventory

If you are interested you can see how badly Moldovans were treated after the "unification" of 1918 here https://moldovapentrumoldoveni.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/documente-din-vremea-anexarii-de-la-1918/. Keep in mind it it isn't a Marxist source, just pro-Moldovan historiography which is hard to find already.

Again,this is the only point where I believe Romania's interests should align with the west

The same rhetoric was used in WW2 that Romania was to ally with Nazi germany to "gain back Moldova". We saw where the Great Romania rhetoric has lead.

If the EU project can limp along enough for us to practically reunite before it dies,I'd see that as a win.

The EU wants to Romania to "unite" with Moldova so it can exploit Moldova through the Romanian state apparatus this is not something you should be praising.

Moldova is sacked by the western imperialists already and the president must push out constant propaganda to make the people not rebel against her and by promising hopes and dreams of a better future via the EU when it will result in mass privatizations and brain drain and etc even worse than now.

it'll probably become a Romanian appendage, which I'm not opposed to

Why are you wishing for capitalist Romania to annex a sovreign nation in the name of "unity"? This is all Great Country brainworms.

The video you have linked is produced by a pro EU shitlib rag:

Ziarul de Gardă also won the Delegation of the European Union in the "Media against disinformation disinformation'. Fact proved - investigations journalistic investigations are the best cure against corruption and disinformation. Throughout the year, ZdG has deconstructed and uncovered falsehoods and myths who and how much they spend on disinformation and encouraged the community readers to think critically

It is LITERALLY sponsored by the NED/CIA and USAID and the US embassy:

Please stop spreading "Moldova is Romania" talking points that only fascists use, especially to people not familiar with the history of the region.


Basically what you're saying already happened,so they wouldn't see a drop in quality of life,like then, because they are already gutted

Yes it would see a drop in quality of life due to EU pillaging and NATO occupation and turn it against BRICS/Russia even more so it becomes ingrained with Europe.

"Moldova got already sacked by the West so it won't get any worse if they join western power structures!"

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 65 points 1 week ago

I am writing with some comrades a megathread on Salafi-Wahhabism, to be able to quickly link to people that aren't familiar with it. If anyone wants to help, DM me here or on Matrix

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 62 points 2 weeks ago

IDF says the attack is over, and Israel 'reserves the right to respond at a time and place of its choosing'

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 7 points 1 month ago

Ah, I flew a little over my head, I mainly thought of the water scenario lol, my bad

Yep we have similar here especially related to language and food

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 26 points 1 month ago

Isnt he kinda implying the other flashlights would be too complicated for women or I'm reading too much into it

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 13 points 1 month ago

is that only in the US lol

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 45 points 1 month ago

Should add archive.org as an archiving option because archive.ph blocks VPNs with annoying captchas

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 9 points 1 month ago

I admire your transbian slop analysis and how much you read

[-] rainn@hexbear.net 5 points 1 month ago

I am running an RTX 2060 just fine on Linux with really no issues. Wayland is iffy if you want to use that, though it's getting better

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by rainn@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

I'm reposting the article with the developing discussions around it as it probably deserves more reach. Devs are 50% "it's impossible to do anyways, sensationalism it's FUD", the other 50% is in disarray and being wtf. I'm not a cryptographer though

More discussion here, where Nheko devs refuse to update to Vodozemac: https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko/issues/1786

Others discussions: https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/issues/780





OP's old gist about Matrix: https://web.archive.org/web/20240606031827/https://gist.github.com/soatok/8aef6f67fec9c702f510ee24d19ef92b

Matrix developer reply: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41249371

From what I understand, for now, Vodozemac, the new Rust implementation, is unusable in other languages than Rust because its bindings are broken. FluffyChat developers seem to be working on fixing them, though.

I think what's more worrying than the exploits is the attitude of the client developers, and the Matrix developer that replied.

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