In the end it's about taste, but I don't see what's so shitty about this. AI is absolutely responsible for a lot of shit, but I think it's great for silly memes. Before generative AI someone would have taken a drawing of the ark and maybe shopped a picture of a fat lion in. To me that's on the same level as this image. I think shitting on everything created using AI just on principle is silly.

If you owe a million dollars, you're in trouble. If you owe a billion dollars, your bank's in trouble.

Thanks, but sadly it's the video files missing data.

Yeah... But they're not complete. I want to archive them.

I could use these heroes. I have three files which are stuck at around 99.6% for many months now.

Damn. It's always a small shock when someone who's younger than me dies.

Just to clarify, you can attach one listener per IP and port tuple. This means you can have separate processes listening on, for example, and

How was it used to crown monarchs? I'm having trouble imagining the scones role in the crowning procedure.

Why in Mammon's name...

5 nuggets are a serving? What are the 6 and 9 nuggets supposed to represent?

Was thinking the same thing. I grew up in a European city and didn't own a car until my mid-30s, when I moved to a rural area. When visiting the US for business, north of Chicago, I wanted to just walk to the next mall, as it was just 2km according to maps. But there was simply no way of doing that safely. No sidewalk at all, busy road. We are often quick to judge people for taking a car for even short distances. But often there really is no other safe way.

My biggest issue with that movie was the complete lack of chemistry between Mila Kunis and that beefy guy who was her love interest. I found that painful to watch.

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