That's an error I had not seen before, but I also just encountered with this specific post. I will investigate, thanks.
In the case of tempeh keeping the right ambient temperature (~30) and adding a bit of vinegar to the beans is the best way I have experienced to make it grow fast and healthy. The CO2 I only measure to check for stale air. The tempeh fungus breathes in oxygen and exhales CO2, and if you have a lot of tempeh in a small incubator the CO2 can get too high.
In some techniques for mushroom growing, the mycelium is grown inside of a tub. The fungus exhales CO2 into the closed tub and inhibits this high CO2 condition inhibits fruiting. The fruiting stage can be stimulated by using a fan to push out the CO2. In the case of tempeh one can surround the tempeh with fresh air to stimulate the tempeh to produce spores, which can then be ground with white rice to create a powder to inoculate a lot more tempeh.
Thank you being around, bringing this nice community here, and helping with the federation!! 😁
🥳 Muchas gracias!
Thank you for the positivity 💚 I wholeheartedly agree!
Drama and negativity drives engagement, and this form of engagement can easily trigger a feedback loop in which negativity keeps piling on and voices of support are practically muted.
We are participating in an open source project that has some very ambitious goals. Things can be messy, mistakes happen, there are risks, and people have many different opinions and moods. Heated discussions can be a healthy part of the process. But, once the dust is allowed to settle for a bit, it is good to remember that we are humans and that we are here because we have some shared goals.
I think the majority of people around here are kind and have a positive outlook, but perhaps it is more motivating to speak out when we have negative comments than positive ones. So, thank you for taking the time to write this positive message!
Do you see a random nickname from a stranger, or a nickname of an account that was previously logged into using the same computer?
What is an open account sharing channel?
Thank you for your hard work!!
I appreciate that you going through this test period. I hope it all goes smoothly and that at least a few hairs remain on your heads by the end of this week. Good luck!
Well then, it is settled (Mattingly, 2014).
They are all part of the global cabal of pedo academics who make up lies for the NWO
Well, do you have any anecdotal evidence to substantiate this claim?
My girlfriend kept complaining about losing her hearts on Duolingo and I was very confused as I never had any "hearts" during regular lessons. Eventually I found out that since I had created a classroom while exploring the site, I was given access to a teacher version of Duolingo - which is basically a free premium version 😅
Considering the context in which I'm encountering the term "UAP", and the Wiki page I get to if I look up "unidentified aerial phenomena", I worry their mission to get away from the automatic link to extraterrestrials may not be very successful!