[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 43 points 1 year ago

Its a god with 7 dragons

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 61 points 1 year ago

Ish. Dont shit where you eat. Its risky to play with coworkers, but really dangerous to play with your boss. I highly advise everyone NOT to do it

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 40 points 1 year ago

It's called Tchergrac (It's the name of my Ancient Red Dragon in my game)

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 43 points 1 year ago

I had that exact shit happen to me. Got to a underwater treasure filled with a dragon's horde. And long story short, we get attacked, go back to the surface, hurricane we havent saw before right on us, and the onky things we kept was that IF you managed a save you kept 1 fucking item. Nevermind me saying to the DM : I put as many rings and necklaces and bracers on me as I can.

If you are going to give your party the allures of a big treasure and they beat your protections, you fucking better not pussy out and let them keep it all.


It's a fun one-shot :)

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 35 points 1 year ago

Yeah shes back !

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 49 points 1 year ago

Art not from me, but unless you are new here you know that already


For context, they managed to successfully accomplish an impossible task (defeating a Lich with it's minions) to save their tribe's armoury and magical item stash. So their master, an Ancient Red Dragon, will give them an item from his own collection

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 39 points 1 year ago

Yup. The biggest challenge of us DMs is to make your players fear for their lives without actually killing them. Sorry, I meant their character's lives... truly truly...


If you check my comment, I will show you my current Dying condition that I have been able to test on the field.

It's 80 % the one from XP to level 3, with a few things changed and actually used in a DND game :)



You can of course plan the big lines of the campaign, but the more precise you get and far ahead of the present, the more you will either lose or railroad to not lose. Both suck

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 43 points 1 year ago

First citation is free I dont care

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 36 points 1 year ago

Of course. Thats a DM... I meam a patron's job

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 66 points 1 year ago

Players : we open the door Me : ok. How exactly are you proceeding ? Do you touch the handle ? Them fretting for a minute, doing a couple checks, and finally trying the handle Me : the door opens no problems Them : what happens ? Me : nothing special.

Dont worry, I just do it once or twice per dungeon. It helps them remember to check the trapped doors.


So, I found the PERFECT theme song for when my boss fight will start. Let's play a game. Here it is. Can you guess what my boss is ? Hints : they are level 14, they are 4, and it's still deadly. Answer :

divulgâcheA Lich


That's love players, your DM is trying to save you :)

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 61 points 2 years ago

This is going to be used in very very innocent ways


Based on recent posts, I believe that what the players WANT to do should always be number one on so small details. Since you know, they are the ones doing it

[-] sammytheman666@ttrpg.network 60 points 2 years ago

Best way to decide is this : should a cantrip or level 1 spell one shot a target ?

No. No it shouldnt. Disintegrate can because its a very high level spell slot. But resources wise, foot the fucking bill please.

But I would allow its use to torture a captured target by waterboarding.

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