The obvious contradiction between believing you are oppressed by a fascist government while simultaneously believing they will obey you if you use the right language and documents should be clear... I don't know why they still do.
Gilt das nicht für alle irrationalen Zahlen?
Not to be that guy but I don't think that term is used that much, isn't it kinda redundant (house housewife)?
Clearly because the pope's too woke.
Vom Inhalt her stimmt das, aber die Worte sind eben nicht bedeutungsgleich. Stell dir vor, ein Kind liest das und erzählt dann in der Schule über "Neger". Da würde man als Elternteil wohl schon einen besorgten Anruf bekommen.
Whenceforth are you taking the claim from that Putin is a communist?
What do you mean?
TIL dass die Brandenburger eine Fusion mit Berlin abgelehnt haben, obwohl die Berliner es wollten. Berlin war wohl auch damals schon zu arm/nicht sexy genug.
If you're willing to experiment away from business socks, try sport socks. I use Puma ones because they're readily available, but really anything a bit more structured.
All available evidence suggests I survive everything.
But have you cleaned your bedroom or did you only clean it?