Normally this type of shit is just Q Anon brain rot but I have to admit this is ... kind of compelling? Assuming it's all true of course, which I have not bothered to verify.
“Bluebonnet” that’s some Handmaids Tale shit right there
air purifier lobby
hell world
For what it's worth, I read somewhere (can't remember where exactly) that Russia has offered to try to settle the diplomatic feud between Brazil and Venezuela. I suspect VZ will become a partner state in due time, once a more level-headed statesman can convince Lula to stop rat-fucking for the greater good of BRICS.
I'd yell at her for being a Kahanaist shill and genocide supporter.
Free Palestine, motherfucker
I thought it was the fact that TikTok is showing young people what Gaza actually looks like on the ground.
Yeah they could plant a fucking orchard there. They even have lights pre-installed if the plants need a little boost in the off-months.
god damn
I don't like living in the cool zone
The only way our country gets away with the state of our health care "system" and basically everything else (police brutality, racism, and so on ... )