Libs are very fond of using the word genocide (PuTiN, China, Assad) except when it actually applies (Palestine)
female serial killer
That's the first time I have ever read those three words together.
softwood lumber
What about through the Mediterranean?
… what?
Umm ... why would they design a tank which cannot have infantry support? Doesn't that make them basically useless?
So there's gonna be riots yea?
Absolutely yes. I watched it last night. I would say it's a historically important interview in spite of Tucker Carlson, who exposed himself as having a high-school level understanding of politics as well as a short attention span. It was fascinating listening to Putin talk at length about the war from the perspective of Russia, although I found his 30 minute history lesson at the beginning somewhat irrelevant and kind of hard to follow and boring, but maybe that's just me.
out of the loop on this one. can someone care to explain?
A couple of months ago he went on an interview and just completely lost his shit, hearing voices and talking absolute nonsense
Uhh you got a link to this? I gotta see it lol
There's nothing we can do to stop this, says only nation where this regularly happens.