Which is funny, because computer games didn't have any kind of story at the beginning (look at pong, tetris, qbert, asteroids etc.)
Plus there is a native Linux version!
Olles klaa maistaa
Oh, hello! Can Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonaa no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke come out to play?
Well... How do you think a price for a product is found in capitalism? You try to find the sweet spot between too cheap and too expensive. When you are cheap more people buy, if you are expensive less people buy. Therefore there is a sweet spot where you make the most money. This obviously is dependent on the people in the market and the money they have. Of course the game publisher can go to the poor people and say that they want 500 money for their stuff. But they don't have that, so they won't pay it because they literally can't.
Long story short, this is not subsidising, this is publishers extracting the most amount of money from that specific market. Its called capitalism. Love it or hate it.
And of course products cost different amount of money around the world. Every market is different.
Just have a look at the dev diaries. For me personally its the overhaul of pretty much all simulation engines (traffic, weather, water, wind, people etc.) and that they solved (apparently) the single thread problem of their traffic simulation. For me CS1 was bottlenecked when the cities became to big and the traffic could only be simulated on one core. There is a limit to that. But my cpu was otherwise idle. I have hope that this is now solved. Plus there is apparently no agent limit anymore. So a town of 500000 could in theory simulate all people individually, CS1 couldn't.
Und wer hats gewusst? Mal wieder keiner!
Nene, das gibt's alles noch. Sind weniger, andere Hoster geworden aber das stirbt nicht. Das wandert nur.
Du hast doch nicht alle Tassen im Schrank - German, you don't have all your cups in the drawer.
Telling someone he is stupid via comparison to cups. Why? Who knows.
Zumindest das Wort Mädchen ist wirklich eine Verniedlichung, historisch, vom Wort Magd. Siehe https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A4dchen
Vielen Dank für Ihre Korrektur Professor Taumeltür!
Excuse me? Whimsical? I did enjoy being a disco infused communism cop with a brain the size of earth that may have been addicted to every substance.