I dont know how, but i have currently 68gb of App data on my phone. Im a photographer and traveler and i already try to push photos to cloud. But sometimes its not possible. So im happy about 256gb, so i dont need to care.
I want to switch to a Pixel 8 Pro, but im considered with that price tag and i need to pay 70€ for additional 128gb of storage...
I mean they promoted it with more MP cameras and better video, that will all take up storage.
I think its fair to call it BS not starting with 256gb as a basis.
Deswegen haben wir bei 80millionen Menschen auch nur wenige hundert Milliadäre. Wir ziehens halt einfach net durch, ansonsten hätte jeder von uns nen Privatjet und eine Jacht 😉 Sag das auch mal deinem Arzt oder Bäcker, alles luschen die es halt net durchziehn.