Silly me, thinking that Crysis was the most famous German game.
Chabos wissen wer die PaPo ist?
Every single emulator has been like this for more than 20 years. Has it gone mainstream yet?
How exactly will leaving NATO make America less imperialistic? Was it the safety of the mighty European security umbrella that enabled the US to be like that?
Imagine, there are even millions of people that eat fermented milk!
Where do you draw the line? Should he also be allowed to sell his services to Russia? Should private companies from the US be allowed to sell arms to Russia?
Obviously we kill all the people that think genocide would be a good thing. I can't imagine a better future with all these maniacs among us!
Which will be ignored by search engines, as is tradition?
I think the more probable reason is that EU regulators were unhappy with this for a long time and have now put 3 years of OS updates and 5 years of security updates into law. Low cost Android manufacturers don't care what Apple does.
Wait for the next election in Germany, our local fascists are currently polling at 20%
Die Ukraine kann es genauso lange durchziehen, wie der Westen es bezahlt. Wieviel Prozent des BIP der Ukraine für Rüstung draufgehen ist irrelevant, ohne Westen hätten sie niemals eine Chance gehabt, etwas anderes als einen Guerilla-Krieg zu führen. Russland muss sich nicht mit dem Atem der Ukraine vergleichen, sondern mit dem des Westens. Und Putin wird mindestens bis zu amerikanischen Wahl durchhalten, mit der Aussicht, dass Trump die Hilfe einstellt.