[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 4 points 3 days ago

I love the Pathfinder basic flip mat and bigger basic flip mat. You can use wet and dry erase on them. They’ll last forever. They’re really easy to care for. And they’re inexpensive.

They fold up instead of rolling up but they’re great.

I’ve been using two chessex battle maps for a few months now and they’re great too but dry erase only, more expensive, and need more special care like not leaving anything on them, not folding them, and using the right colors.

If I had to pick one, it would be the Pathfinder basic flip mat.


[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 14 points 3 weeks ago

Really fun video. Getting a consistent group together is probably the hardest part of running a game. If you can enjoy a game with even as few as one or two players, that can work well.

I use a few tricks to keep groups going:

  • Have six full-time players.
  • Have two "on call" players – these are players who are interested but might not be able to commit regularly and are willing to jump in when a spot is open.
  • Run with as few as four. This means it takes five people cancelling before you can't run a game.
  • Run at a consistent time each week.
  • Run shorter games – I go for 3 hours.

That's helped me keep multiple groups going for ten years with one group consistent for about 20 years.

Free Dice Roller in CC0 (slyflourish.com)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by slyflourish@ttrpg.network to c/rpg@ttrpg.network

A little JavaScript dice roller I whipped up released under a CC0 license.


This is a question for TTRPG GMs. What RPG books, supplements, or accessories do you find yourself using year after year? Which RPG products provide the biggest regular impact at your table?

City of Arches Kickstarter (www.kickstarter.com)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by slyflourish@ttrpg.network to c/rpg@ttrpg.network

Hi friends!

I wanted you to know about the City of Arches Kickstarter going on right now!

The City of Arches is a 160 page PDF and hardcover high-fantasy city sourcebook built for Lazy DMs and usable with any version of 5e or other fantasy tabletop RPGs. In this book you’ll find

  • a high fantasy city setting surrounded by countless adventure locations.
  • a setting easily dropped into any existing published or homebrewed campaign world.
  • a setting where any race, species, origin, heritage, and culture makes sense.
  • over a dozen adventure “biomes” with hundreds of adventure locations.
  • three 1st to 20th level campaign arcs.
  • an intro scenario, three adventures, and an adventure toolkit for building your own heist or infiltration adventure.
  • beautiful full-color art, dungeon maps, and overland maps.
  • a player’s guide with background hooks and setting-specific backgrounds.

Download the free 42 page preview on the Kickstarter page! I hope you’ll back this fantastic new book.

Thank you so much!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by slyflourish@ttrpg.network to c/rpg@ttrpg.network

Show us some pictures of your gaming, notebook or binder. I’m getting back into using a physical binder now that my games are more in person, and I need the inspiration!

Front of my gaming notebook

[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 16 points 2 years ago

As a guy who used Twitter extensively for more than a decade and had over 40k followers, I can tell you it went from a great place to promote one’s RPG work to a terrible place just about overnight back in 2020 or so – just about the time users focused on algorithmic sorting of tweets over the timeline.

I was lucky to get 400 people to click a link and maybe one would buy something. Engagement was shot.

Luckily I found the social media platform of the future – email! It’s a network I control, can move to the service of my choice, and lets me directly connect with those who expressed interest in what I make.

I’m glad I started building up my email list a few years ago. It takes time but it’s worth it.

I feel like a lot of creators on Twitter simply can’t let go even though the network isn’t the same as all anymore.

[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 12 points 2 years ago


[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 7 points 2 years ago

These are awesome!!


I had a great time checking in on various D&D news and talking to Morrus and Jessica about https://open5e.com on Morrus’s Unofficial Tabletop Podcast yesterday. I hope you give it a listen!

[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 9 points 2 years ago

I usually try to drop in one scene or situation along the way usually at the site of a notable landmark. You can roll randomly for the landmark and maybe two groups. Maybe they’re fighting. Maybe one group already beat the other group. Maybe they’re friendly. Just a situation to expose something about the world and it’s history and people.

You can also use it as an opportunity for campfire tales. Ask each player ahead of time to think about what their character thinks of what they’ve done so far and where they’re going. Have each player share their thoughts during a long rest along the journey.

Finally, if the characters are traveling anywhere with risk you can define some traveling roles like who is scouting, who is trailblazing, and who is provisioning. Have them roll checks on these jobs to give you some interesting ideas about what might happen along the journey.

[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 7 points 2 years ago

Nice to see some love for Owlbear Rodeo!

[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 8 points 2 years ago

Thanks so much! It's actually a pretty exciting time with the Mastodons and Lemmys and blogs and podcasts!

I also resurrected https://dndblogs.com as a way to bring blogs back together again.


Hi friends! To do my small part for the TTRPG fediverse, I resurrected an old RPG blog rss aggregator I ran about 10 years ago and refreshed it with some GPT-based summarization. You can find it right here:


It updates every morning from the following feed lists.


If there are any great TTRPG blogs I’m missing, please let me know!

[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 years ago

You can still have an evolving story happen and it’s not about the player building that story. But the story results from the choices they make in the situation you present.

More here:


[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 years ago

I wrote up my best tips from a wide range of DMs here:


If I had to have just one it’d be:

Be a fan of the characters. Be on their side. Focus your prep around them. Help them look awesome. Avoid “gotchas” that characters would have picked up on but players missed.

[-] slyflourish@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 years ago

Yay! Thank you!

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joined 2 years ago