Privacy Guides still recommends fucking Brave browser? Brave analyzes your data on your device for ads, which is better than sending it off to Google, but actual privacy browsers don't analyze your data at all, and their CEO is a piece of shit.
I'm gonna upgrade to the 0 TB hard drive pretty soon so everything stops using up so much storage
I graduated from a Christian high school a few years ago, and now they have a Discord server that's basically their own version of 4chan and they post a bunch of edgy racist/queerphobic/etc stuff. Then the person running it went to MIT. It still exists and I'm pretty sure the staff knows about it and doesn't give a shit. Of course the school itself promotes racist and queerphobic political ideologies as well so that's not exactly helpful either.
I'm a Gen Z male, from what I can tell it seems like older generations tend to rely more on cable or traditional news outlets while younger generations tend to get their news from social media platforms like Instagram. Cable news tends to be more corporate and "normal"/consistent, while Instagram tends to feed news from a larger variety of sources that tend to be more anti-corporate and radical, but those sources also tend to optimize for very short bursts to get the point across quickly so the user can quickly move on to the next piece of news, and there's also quite a bit of low effort content and reposts and misinformation and that sort of stuff. So I think it's social media that's the main driving factor in causing Gen Z to be more radical - which in some ways is a good thing since they have more awareness of the events in Palestine (and radical leftism is based), but the platform can also put them into far-right fear-mongering bubbles and cause serious problems.
If supporting Kamala is your definition of a leftist echochamber you clearly haven't browsed Lemmy much
$20 = $140
-$20 -$20
0 = $120
/120 /120
$ = 0
I'm trying to understand how this system works and came across this article from Al Jazeera which, if I'm reading it correctly, is saying that the US did determine gross human rights violations but the Biden administration is refusing to apply the Leahy Law. Doesn't this mean that Biden does have the authority to stop sending military aid but isn't, or am I misunderstanding something? Also, aside from Leahy Law why can't he veto the military aid?
I watched the presidential debate between Harris and Trump, and one of Harris's main talking points was that the Republicans weren't doing enough at the border.
x86 isn't open either and a lot of people like the M1's efficiency (I'm an Asahi Linux user)
My $7000/mo medication has a bunch of "cost relief" programs so they can pretend that they give a shit about affordability, then when you actually try to use them they make you do like 20 phone calls over the span of several months until they finally let you enroll and when you do it only lasts for a short amount of time before they kick you off and you have to start the process all over again. I've had to miss multiple doses of the medication which is dangerous for my physical health because I don't have the money to pay for it and this process takes so fucking long.
Recently, they signed me up for some super shady thing where I pay for the medication upfront and then they pay me back after showing me the receipt. What they didn't tell me is that it has a limit for how much it will pay for, so I pay for the medication, and what a surprise, they rejected my claim and now I lost $5000 to the medication, which could have paid for a car or a semester of community college. Our healthcare system does a great job at making dying sound like a decent alternative to healthcare.
Meanwhile my university has a large CS program yet uses Windows for everything, even the fucking Unix class requires Windows/macOS exclusive software. I have no idea how we are ranked top 100 for CS.
The tweet came several days after the LinkedIn post, people need to not just believe everything they see on the internet