getting barred from participating in US neocolonial mercantilism is actually doing you a favor once your economy is a certain size
the MIC used to be able to produce something when it came down to it, and that is pretty clearly just not the case anymore. not in the scale or at the cost required for fighting peers
Am I out of touch? No, it's the rest of the world who is wrong
Western brains aren't going to do much better with "Ansar Allah" though
Google SEO enshittification speedrun. you thought it was bad now? just wait until the SEO cretins start getting their sad, grasping little brains around the contents of this leak
look at the big brain on mr. history understander over here
lol if KFC doesn't have the Chinese market anymore they will be a cold shadow of their former corporate selves
the last time I was in Berlin I heard more Spanish in public than German
dystopian capitalist hellscape food, now at dystopian capitalist hellscape prices!
The best part is that after all that expensive experience-gaining, when the project is over the consultants leave and the company is left with nothing. So they can just rinse/repeat in a year or three
I feel privileged to witness the master class in international diplomacy that the Zionist government has conducted for us all these last few weeks
reasonably workin' their way from least to most powerful