submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

In the end I don’t think internet users in rich powerful countries are the users most likely to benefit and invest their time into in the fediverse. They might be the ones with the most free time, money and privilege around computers which makes being on the leading edge of niche technologies far easier, but I don’t think using the fediverse vs commercial social media is thattt crucial of a difference for most (add a million qualifiers here except if you are black, queer, trans etc… I am talking in relative terms here) livimg inside the borders of colonial powers like the US, France, Germany etc..

Speaking as a hetero white dude who grew up with a decent amount of privilege the fediverse isn’t for the countless versions of me living within the borders of colonial powers…

It might have been programmers living within the borders of colonial powers that did most of the labor to create the fediverse, and most of the early users might have come from within colonial powers but I think it is important to recognize that the gift that the fediverse represents to the world is the capacity to empower people living outside the borders of colonial powers to own and run their own social networks instead of having some random Facebook employee who doesn’t have the time or basic knowledge of a country to make major decisions about what news accounts to moderate as dangerous spam and what to allow.

From a 30,000 foot view, speaking in broad terms and specific values and priorities, what do you think are the best strategies for flipping the script on the fediverse being mostly a tool used by people within the borders of colonial powers to one used by without and within?

I wonder about the capacities of fediverse software being useful as a compliment to HOT open street mapping type initiatives in the wake of disasters and just in general?

(Are server costs just generally cheaper/easier in colonial countries to run or is it purely a money and time thing? I don’t really know)

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz to c/map_enthusiasts@sopuli.xyz
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz to c/showerthoughts@lemmy.world


Next time you hear a ridiculous description of the steps required for a ghost summoning or exorcism, just think about all the emails you have gotten from HR that detail the pointlessly overcomplicated process for clocking in and out of work.

Or when you hear Sony just lost all their emails and you are like… what does that even mean?

It’s all just spirit forces blasting back and forth on a cosmic scale of bullshit and silicon.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 82 points 4 months ago

American car companies honestly deserve to get obliterated here, sorry it is capitalism shrugs.

If you make shitty cars that are totally out of sync with what the world needs and that makes you massively lose against a country that is willing to actually make practical EVs... then your company deserves to go out of business.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 56 points 4 months ago

Just make one big enough that you can use billionaires instead of atomic particles

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 85 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

As a musician and composer it really took the life out of my identity as a composer seeing an alternative to bandcamp never really form and then one day waking up to it bought by Epic.

I didn’t cry that day, but I might as well have, it made me extraordinarily sad to see that headline and I imagine there are actually countless talented musicians out there who will never actuate on their creative vision because the environment for music production is at this point, downright hostile towards artists and musicians considering the amount of work music production is.

It takes an obscene amount of work to take a song from something that has promise to being as polished as listeners demand nowadays, and listeners won’t even give your song a chance on actual speakers. You have to twist and warp your music so it sounds good on essentially monophonic phone speakers with shitty frequency coverage or otherwise nobody will give it a try on speakers for actually listening to music. Doesn’t matter though, nobody is going to actually support you for the art you make.


It seems like https://resonate.coop/ is still around tho which seems like a cool idea (a coop owned streaming service where listeners can stream-to-own a song).

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 193 points 4 months ago

Gotta love all my friends who are really into music who happily use Spotify and don’t give a shit it is a weapon of class warfare being used on musicians disguised as a music player!

I basically lost all my drive to make something of my love of creating music seeing how little anyone in my society actually values music or musicians in terms of material support and reward, it is honestly pretty scary how broken music has become.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 55 points 4 months ago

I think this meme might actually be perfect

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 191 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Big volcanoes look like this

(Mount Rainier, Washington)

The BIGGEST volcanoes look like this

Or this

Notice how they don’t have that nice big pretty volcano cone shape? It just looks like some drunk geologists scribbled on a map and drew circles around a low lying area with a lake or two in it and called it a “volcano” or a “volcanic zone”.

The reason though is that the BIGGEST and most destructive volcanic eruptions tend to happen with lava/magma that doesn’t flow very well and like when you get a stuffed nose, everything gets blocked up. Like many of us, these volcanos don’t solve the problem and go take a decongestant or blow their nose, they just sit there sniveling and stewing, failing to release the pressure that keeps building and building and building.

These eruptions are called felsic eruptions (the opposite of mafic, goopy eruptions you have seen footage of from Hawaii where the lava comes out like a fluid). An immense amount of gas is released by magma as it becomes exposed to the surface (which then we call it “lava”) as the gas is no longer kept in the magma at immense pressures. The magma can’t flow and “pass the gas” so to speak so a plug forms and what you get is a terrifyingly big pressure cooker that just builds and builds like that person on the plane next to you that just keeps sniffing and sniffing and never blowing their nose.

When the built up pressure finally overcomes the plug, the resulting explosion is so catastrophic it doesn’t leave a clean volcano shape. What you are left with is an uneven low topography dotted with lakes that marks the site of an incomprehensibly large explosion, hence the topography of Yellowstone, Wyoming and the Taupo Volcanic Zone on the North Island of New Zealand.


"The Taupō Volcanic Zone has produced in the last 350,000 years over 3,900 cubic kilometres (940 cu mi) material, more than anywhere else on Earth, from over 300 silicic eruptions [my edit: "Felsic" means "has lots of silica/silicic (silicic? seriously wikipedia?) and wants to form minerals high in silica like quartz and feldspar"], with 12 of these eruptions being caldera-forming. Detailed stratigraphy in the zone is only available from the Ōkataina Rotoiti eruption but including this event, the zone has been more productive than any other rhyolite predominant volcanic area [my edit: Rhyolite is a record of catastrophe, it is a Felsic, silica-rich igneous rock like Granite except it cooled FAST at the surface instead of in big underground "batholiths" (that make up a good portion of the Canadian Shield and the NE of the US among other places) where the minerals had time to grow into big pretty crystals, same ingredients as Granite but with much more exciting baking instructions] over the last 50,000 odd years at 12.8 km3 (3.1 cu mi) per thousand years. Comparison of large events in the Taupō volcanic zone over the last 1.6 million years at 3.8 km3 (0.91 cu mi) per thousand years versus with Yellowstone Caldera's 2.1 million year productivity at 3.0 km3 (0.72 cu mi) per thousand years favours Taupo...

...The last major eruption from Lake Taupō, the Hatepe eruption, occurred in 232 CE. It is believed to have first emptied the lake, then followed that feat with a pyroclastic flow that covered about 20,000 km2 (7,700 sq mi) of land with volcanic ash. A total of 120 km3 (29 cu mi) of material expressed as dense-rock equivalent (DRE) is believed to have been ejected, and over 30 km3 (7.2 cu mi) of material is estimated to have been ejected in just a few minutes."...


..."The main extremely violent pyroclastic flow travelled at close to the speed of sound and devastated the surrounding area, climbing over 1,500 m (4,900 ft) to overtop the nearby Kaimanawa Ranges and Mount Tongariro, and covering the land within 80 km (50 mi) with ignimbrite [my edit: the name for pyroclastic flow deposits, i.e. pumice and ash, that kind of thing]. Only Ruapehu was high enough to divert the flow.  The power of the pyroclastic flow was so strong that in some places it eroded more material off the ground surface than it replaced with ignimbrite.  There is evidence that it occurred on an autumn afternoon and its energy release was about 150 megatons of TNT equivalent. The eruption column penetrated the stratosphere as revealed by deposits in ice core samples in Greenland and Antarctica."


why the did I make this stupid meme in feet instead of metric, I am such an asshole -facepalm

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz to c/neovim@programming.dev

I was looking for a good generalist set of keybindings for my Steam Deck's onboard controls that bound all the letter keys and also the necessary commands to navigate web pages and manipulate files. There isn't any obvious layout to bind all the gamepad buttons, joysticks and touchpads to letter keys and keyboard commands/command chords, and further it feels like whatever solution you came up with would be impossible to memorize anyways.

Kind of a silly endeavor perhaps, but... touchscreen keyboards take up wayyyyy too much screen real estate on the Steam Deck, and further the pop up software keyboard sometimes doesn't behave right with software that isn't expecting a pop up touchscreen keyboard (i.e., not like a mobile app designed to handle one).

Then I randomly thought about Qutebrowser and vim keybindings... and I had an evil idea.....

I want to try using this with neovim as well, and I thought y'all might get a kick out of it lol!

edit errr, oooff I don't know how to get lemmy not to dump the text from my linked post completely unformated into this post

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 61 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Kind of hilarious how there must be tons of google employees who aren’t in support of unionizing that think this kind of thing is actually going to do shit without a union.

Google employees need to unionize before they will have ANY impact on the direction of their company, period, end of story. I absolutely wouldn’t be surprised if the AWU was involved in this, there are really cool people at Google but it is astounding that the AWU hasn’t reached a critical mass at the company so far given the incredible amount of enshittification going on at the company.

Not faulting AWU people for this, more like pointing the finger at the other employees who think resistance is an individual negotiation with your employer not a collective expression of solidarity.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 54 points 4 months ago

I don’t think this can really be argued, the environmental impact of billionaires both directly and indirectly is catastrophic on a planetary level.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 144 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

In a U.S. context, it is actually really simple. Racism and the age old practice of othering types of people by associating them with a drug (cocaine = rich and white, crack = poor, black and dangerous). That’s it, the full answer is of course a lot more complicated but in the end it is exactly still this dumb and cruel.

politicians across the political divide spent much of the 20th century using marijuana as a means of dividing America. By painting the drug as a scourge from south of the border to a “jazz drug” to the corruptive intoxicant of choice for beatniks and hippies, marijuana as a drug and the laws that sought to control it played on some of America’s worst tendencies around race, ethnicity, civil disobedience, and otherness.


I actually think examining the rise of crack in the US and how it was used as a political wedge and xenophobic tool of fear mongering helps explain why marijuana is illegal in the US the easiest, because the forces and structures are the same for crack being highly illegal as they are for marijuana, just much less thinly veiled and dialed up to 11.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 247 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

A big titty stylish AND nerdy girlfriend who has a stable, well paying job?

Yeah wait what was the part that was bad about this I am really confused…?

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 54 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

It is honestly a major failure of US society (comedians I am looking at you) that people aren’t made fun of for driving these trucks so mercilessly that most people feel too ashamed to drive them.

I mean lots of other failures too, it shouldn’t be legal especially because there is zero reason for the high hood height from a vehicle function perspective. Unless of course you consider your vehicle being more efficient at killing pedestrians a reason to have them that way. I suppose we have entered that stage of things here in the US haven’t we.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 46 points 8 months ago

This is really cool, I wonder if it can have integration with the “threadiverse” such as with lemmy or kbin?

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