[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 38 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

And the budget isn't insane either.
During dev he blew through 5 grand (high for an individual, but nothing compared to some startups)
For production, apparently building one of these yourself with the materials he's provided would cost $1500 -- again, really not that astronomical

This is really shining a lens on some companies charging $2000 for mid-tier laptop with half these features.
I'm... quite excited that we're entering a new era of hardware, which would put an end to these needless hardware companies

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 40 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Exactly. Is it just a webpage served up with some native UI buttons to make it look more glossy? Are app permissions implemented as separate system users under POSIX? How many apps are written in languages/frameworks running from interpreters, and how many actually touch bare metal? Are app media that use Gallery permissions duplicating data or linking to it?

No one knows what an app is, the app development frameworks I learned 10 years ago are no longer relevant and have likely shifted to a whole new paradigm. If it looks perplexing to me, I can imagine it looks like magic to non-techies.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 38 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Um, whilst I agree that the powers that be are definitely anti-palestine, this is just a video of cops chasing a kid who happens to be holding a palestine flag.

Given that other people are also holding flags and not being chased, I'm guessing they're not chasing him just because he's holding the flag.

This is pretty disingenuous social media reporting.

Edit: The novaramedia link up in the thread does seem to show excessive police action against peaceful protest. I don't think the video shows this, but it could be related.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 40 points 6 months ago

Room 418 seems like a nice place to sit for a quick soothing break

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 39 points 6 months ago

Try some Anime with some more mature intrigue:

  • Apothecary Diaries (Detective series from a medical/herbalogical perspective)
  • Frieren (the aftermath of being an immortal and watching your friends die)
[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 39 points 8 months ago

Same, I found my flashlight that way

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 40 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Direct link to source: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/182fwlh/i_finally_figured_out_what_is_written_on_karlachs

Note that no real proof or breakdown is actually given.

This is an article reporting on absolutely nothing.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 40 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

"I need to use Linux and my boyfriend suggested I use Ubuntu, is that right?"

Me (screaming internally, deciding on whether to rant on bloatware, on Canonical, on reproducibility, on monetization, on many things wrong with the world, but not wanting to come off as an elitist, nor scare her off the idea altogether):
"... that, that should be fine."

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 39 points 1 year ago

That's not fair. Do you have any idea how hard I work to put adverts into your products without making them crash? God, think next time!

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 40 points 1 year ago

This. Someone who is willing to come down to my ignorant level in a subject and reward me for my tiny effort and interest in it, is an immediate win in my book. Though it is a hard line to cross without going into smirky/mansplaining territory.

For example, Veritasium videos are always fantastic, but I can't get over how the man smirks when he explains concepts, despite the fact that it's his natural smile.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 38 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Its a thought experiment involving a room where people write letters and shove them under the door of the Chinese kid's dorm room. He doesn't understand what's in the letters so he just forwards the mail randomly to his Russian and Indian neighbours who sometimes react angrily or happily depending on the content. Over time the Chinese kid learns which symbols make the Russian happy and which symbols make the Indian kid happy, and so forwards the mail correspondingly until he starts dating and gets a girlfriend that tells him that people really shouldn't be shoving mail under his door, and he shouldn't be forwarding mail he doesnt understand for free.

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