[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 36 points 2 weeks ago

What dilution? 25% makes you sterile and 50% kills you after a week of drinking it

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 38 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Emacs and Vi walk into a pub. "What can I get you?" asks the bartender. They both agree on a nice locally-sourced Ale with a good kick to it.

They down drink after drink. Emacs starts to slur words and sway after a while, but Vi just keeps on knocking them back seemingly unaffected by it.

As the night goes on, more and more patrons leave the bar. "Last call!" says the bartender, and rings the bell.

Emacs nods, stumbles up to a piano, and strikes a few chords. After a few moments of emptying pockets and saving lint, they vanish in a puff of smoke. Vi watches this display and then turns back to their drink.

"You know," says the bartender, "you can quit whenever you want."

Vi just smiles and weeps.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 37 points 1 month ago

It just sounds like two different age groups were being described, not two genders

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 37 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

KDE (KayDee) if it's a girl
GNOME ("G" or Noam) if it's a boy

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 38 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Um, whilst I agree that the powers that be are definitely anti-palestine, this is just a video of cops chasing a kid who happens to be holding a palestine flag.

Given that other people are also holding flags and not being chased, I'm guessing they're not chasing him just because he's holding the flag.

This is pretty disingenuous social media reporting.

Edit: The novaramedia link up in the thread does seem to show excessive police action against peaceful protest. I don't think the video shows this, but it could be related.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 38 points 11 months ago

shakily points to an Etch-a-Sketch

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 37 points 1 year ago

Um, Australia is required to exist to stop the weight of the US from flipping the Earth plane over. It's literally the counterweight continent.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 36 points 1 year ago

I wrote my webserver in pure bash.

bash -c "python -m http.server 8080"

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 37 points 1 year ago

He thrives on this kind of media attention. Its a stunt so that people think he's harmless and funny. He's not. He knows exactly what he's doing.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 38 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Its a thought experiment involving a room where people write letters and shove them under the door of the Chinese kid's dorm room. He doesn't understand what's in the letters so he just forwards the mail randomly to his Russian and Indian neighbours who sometimes react angrily or happily depending on the content. Over time the Chinese kid learns which symbols make the Russian happy and which symbols make the Indian kid happy, and so forwards the mail correspondingly until he starts dating and gets a girlfriend that tells him that people really shouldn't be shoving mail under his door, and he shouldn't be forwarding mail he doesnt understand for free.

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