[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 12 points 1 month ago

The host forgot the name or JD Vance, that's pretty funny. I wonder how they feel about this inauguration.

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 13 points 6 months ago

Sooo, why is the gf on a leash?

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 11 points 6 months ago

Without a doubt! Humans and life in general is uber efficient in terms of energy use. Most of the energy of a car is not directly spent for the work. Work is done when moving mass from a lower to a higher place and accelerating it to a higher speed. But once you have accelerated the mass to the cruise speed, it actually does not require any energy to maintain. Rather, the energy is spent by the car to heat up the air, move it around, wear the road and the tires, and make noise.

We use cars because they are muuuch more powerful than humans, at the cost of wasing a lot of energy. Try to push a car uphill, you won't ever succeed without pullies which makes it even slower. Doesn't matter how efficient you are if you cannot output the minimum power required to overcome friction etc.

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 11 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Police unions are not always a force for good, specifically they can lack solidarity with other workers. In France they lobbied to keep their privilege while the retirement age was increased for everyone else.

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 11 points 8 months ago

Qu'il se soit senti trahi par Hollande je peux comprendre. Mais j'espère qu'il s'est rendu compte que voter social-démocrate c'est pas voter contre le capitalisme. Ce qui est bizarre c'est que cette élection semble être la plus prometteuse pour une gauche moins capitaliste et c'est maintenant qu'il baisse les bras.

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 15 points 9 months ago

That's one symptom of car-dependency!

If we had proximity shops minutes away by foot, we wouldn't do one giant grocery weekly with 30 min commute one way. We'd just buy what we need just passing by.

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago

About the sidewalks, I guess it's an infrastructure problem. They're new so there's no intended place for parking them yet. Brussels recently began turning some car parking places into scooter parking, it's pretty nice!

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago

(Psst, he's on lemmy.ca)

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 12 points 1 year ago

It's actually a very reasonable behavior if cars were normal predators: wait for the last moment before jumping out of the way so that the predator has to do a 180° and you've already left.

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 15 points 2 years ago

If you have the occasion, try a fresh olive picked from the three. You won't regret it ;)

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 10 points 2 years ago

In Belgium & Netherlands, we have an alternative called Bol. I use it, but I wonder how much more ethical it is in the end.

[-] thedarkfly@feddit.nl 11 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Well, depends what you call a hole. Does a glass have a hole? Does a bottle have a hole?

If you said no to both, you mean a topological hole and a straw has one.

If you said yes to one or both of them, you mean a tight opening in which someting can be inserted (yes yes, innuendo). How tight an opening must be to be a hole is arbitrary and subjective, it depends on the person. In this case a straw has two holes.

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