Unfortunately, I seem to recall that Affinity doesn't run well under wine. If only they would officially port it to Linux, that would be a major move for them and for Linux. Follow DaVinci Resolve's and BitWig's examples.
Unfortunately, I seem to recall that Affinity doesn't run well under wine. If only they would officially port it to Linux, that would be a major move for them and for Linux. Follow DaVinci Resolve's and BitWig's examples.
Oh, for sure! But Musk also has a lot of other qualities that Trump likes, besides being powerful.
Thanks! What did they do?
Cool, thank you!
What's the story with that one? Was the original game open-sourced, or is it a rewrite?
Edit: never mind, I just saw the other reply that it was reverse engineered.
Awesome achievement, thanks for telling the story!
That said, while they probably want to be able to paint him as a terrorist, that necessarily involves a more detailed look at what he was trying to accomplish, and that might just backfire on the prosecution. It only takes one sympathetic juror to block a guilty verdict.
This is a really good insight, thanks!
It seems that it was never written in their terms before and had been inconsistently applied, but just in case you hadn't seen these:
I picked up one of these ugreen displayport KVMs a couple months ago and so far have been happy with it:
The only issue I have had is that if I'm switched to computer B and computer A goes to sleep, I cannot wake it up through the switch. This was not a deal breaker for me because I have easy access to the power button of both computers. I wonder if this issue may be resolved by powering the switch with a USB-C power plug, since it otherwise requires USB power from both computer connections.
Holy moly. 3,000 kg of gold at today's price would be $281,382,000 (281 million dollars). Gold is $93,794 per kg at the moment.