That's cool, thank you for telling the background!
Good to know, thanks!
Any idea how that happened?
Good to know, thanks. I haven't worked with btrfs much yet. I have ZFS on a Debian server.
There’s an old saying with ZFS: “Friends don’t let friends dedupe”
That's a bad example to reference. The ZFS implementation of deduplication is poorly thought out, and I say that even though I like and run ZFS on my own Linux server(s). I understand that the BTRFS implementation of dedupe works well (no first-hand experience), and the Windows one works great (first-hand experience).
Ugh, thanks for the warning. Time for me to download and de-drm all my old kindle books and never again buy anymore.
joined 6 months ago
Haha, never met a wild pig, but thanks for letting us know!