Oh wow how neat, I had a red & white husky named Kiba when I was younger! What a handsome fella.
'Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.' - Maya Angelou
Thank you for saying this!
Also, if positive for covid seek a paxlovid prescription if available. It's an effective treatment that can reduce illness time and severity but has to be taken early in your illness. Same with a flu test and Tamiflu if positive (though less likely to be flu right now depending on where you live).
My GSD used to hang out in the tub while I was in the bathroom getting ready. It started when I told her there was no room for both of us in there so she found a space for herself, then she just did that from then on.
Hello, just wanted to give a friendly suggestion to use terms like "wheelchair user" or "person who uses a wheelchair" instead of "wheelchair bound" or "confined to a wheelchair". There are many articles explaining why in more detail for those wanting to know.
Toe tufts! They can sometimes get matted or the cat could become obsessive about cleaning them but if those things aren't an issue there's no real reason to trim them. There's no harm in trimming them if wanted but also not necessary.
More absolutely predictable than ironic, it will not impact him and he has no love for the disability community. I imagine he has a ton of internalized ableism and believes himself as different from other disabled people. He has a long history of doing things like this, look up his tort reform work. As a wheelchair user I really hate that one of the most prominent wheelchair users in politics is this fuck.
He was a pain in the butt, I loved him!