Distractions. You need a lot of them. Good company. Good hobbies. Something.
It is never a great idea to let your mind wander off for too long, because it'll go places you wouldn't want it to and you'll sometimes just be held down by it.
Distractions. You need a lot of them. Good company. Good hobbies. Something.
It is never a great idea to let your mind wander off for too long, because it'll go places you wouldn't want it to and you'll sometimes just be held down by it.
Hangers with those hooks on the sides that I guess are meant to slip the collar of the shirts into? They don't really serve as a good use plus they seem to get tangled with other hangers at times and hang securely anyways. I've seen better hangers at work where there is a strip of some rubber compound on the top sides of each hanger, they hold things much better and I feel that's the more better of the design for a hanger.
When phones got developed so much, you can virtually do half of the things on them as you would a laptop.
It sounded like you didn't see what the point things were when they arrived around your time. But I can tell you, the passing 90s and 2000s just straight shot technology faster than we can comprehend.
Some people who have dignity for themselves, would rather serve their position honorably and be mistaken because they're human. They don't want to do their job poorly that directly violates their own work ethic and the duty they have sworn to uphold.
Resigning in this case is basically saying "I will not be told how to do my job because you don't understand how it works and I will not let you use my job as a means to play political theater".
Yes, 3+4 remakes. I'm for it. It has to be.
Backing this, I was going to write up a separate comment but this is really best left with someone professional. Not just anyone can really help with this. We'd have to know history which may be a few more paragraphs, we'd have to know their environment and livelihood, habits .etc
And that's just something that'll be exhausting to read and risks the OP to be set up to be scrutinzed or judged. Don't really want that here.
Coffee/Monster Java. I really feel like I can't function without either. I can go without Monster Java for a few days, but the coffee is something I can't go without in it's absence.
Porn. While this has been gradually getting better with not stockpiling tons and tons of images and not stroking off as much. I do spend quite some time looking at porn and falling into old habits from time to time.
Food Portion Control. I have poor portion control, I really do. I've long stopped going to chinese buffets which is a great step in progress. But I've substituted it with going to BK time to time and grabbing things that are just as bad if eaten in a day's worth.
I am still using a computer case that was from my ex-roommate 4 1/2 years ago. I bought his old system when he was upgrading and while I had long gutted and got rid of the old parts to make way for newer ones a year after having moved out from him. I'm still using the case.
Because there's really nothing worth investing in, with people who just scream at eachother all day. The only social media platform that is probably worth acquiring in their eyes is Facebook because Facebook actually has more going for them and has acquired other companies too. Twitter was just...Twitter.
You start grasping for the past again. You may have at one point when you were younger, have gotten tired of people telling stories of their past and how things were in the day. But before you know it, you will do it too. A lot of people already are doing it and they're in stages of their lives that the older people once were who also did it.
You feel like the world becomes greyer and greyer when you read the news about some celebrity that played a role you remembered them in be it a show or movie that passed away. This also applies to knowing about the individuals through the cracks that don't get as much coverage, like pioneers that helped make things you take for granted, knowing of people that took part of something that made you realize that they were what made something work and not who you thought did.
You get increasingly annoyed at just noise. Dogs barking. Children loudly playing. Babies crying. People shouting. People clumsily doing things that make something break or whatever. You yearn for periods of silence.
You could become isolated by choice, like caught in a web of indecision as to what hobby you want to enjoy. You're getting older, not younger, so you feel like you have to try to enjoy what you can before you really can't anymore.
And above all else, you grow more and more distant from the connections you once called your best. There will be a point in your life much later on, where you will be in a nursing home or whatever and you may not have a way to stay in touch with your friends. All of you are on a course of this same life and the sad part is all of you are also racing to your ends.
You're not making a lot of sense here. And I don't really see where the simple act of discussing digital piracy would warrant it illegal. Now actually pirating is illegal and varies from person to person and location to location. It is something you just do and should already accept the risky circumstances involved in doing so.
I think asking for donations is a lot less attention grabbing, than it is getting advertisers, which is what the point of donations is for, is to prevent having to resort to advertising.
Work for it, lazy moocher.