Now I'm sad that the article doesn't mention the country I'm from :(
Fucking eurocentric medical community
Now I'm sad that the article doesn't mention the country I'm from :(
Fucking eurocentric medical community
Until you prove that you can't prove that the system you made up works.
I'm actually quite interested in dress history. I'm an engineer at heart and clothing is fundamentally also an engineering problem (and design of course). It's an area of engineering that was always dominated by women and you can sometimes see the novel approaches that brings.
For example historical corsets were actually quite comfortable when fitted right. One reason why is actually breast support. Predecessors to the modern Bra did exist but were not in fashion as a more compressed looking bust and later a shaped silhouette was in fashion.
Also it's cool what tricks one can use to form the silhouette without extremely compressing the waist (which is how many modern people often think is the function of a corset).
I recommend Bernadettes channel on this topic: link
Complex topic. It would depend on the bomb in question. Some are more "dirty" than others.
Welcome to the world of B2B where 98% of products are listed nowhere and of those products you get a listing the price is either hidden or not the price anyone really pays.
Do you have a source on that? I'm pretty sure pizza does not go bad in 24h at room temp and normal humidity. While I agree that food safety is important not everything needs to be stored in fridge temperatures.
Well it depends on what one considers normal temperature and humidity I guess, now that I wrote this.
Treating it like being sick (like a cold) helps me. That way I justify taking it slow. It's something that will pass and it's totally normal to feel really bad. It will probably be better soon but I need a lot of rest/self-care.
My best days are "it is what it is". Man I hate depression...
I actually do and would second this.
I don't like how meditation has this "spiritual", "new age" woowoo connotation. It's just something one can do and train.
Have you considered questioning your gender? Maybe you just aren't manly enough. If you try hard even you can be a manly little bitch while having a cold /j