DNS Spoofing ? would this help me use internet while pretending that I'm only using facebook ? (which my isp offers for free)
how does this goodbeyDPI exactly work? do you add it to your vpn or what ?
the only platform where Hamas could actually share official content, including combat footage kinos ;_; rather than made-up sites attributed to them.
so, he just over-exaggerated things here, actually when you click there is a page that asks you for your creditentials and kids get tricked to enter them
aah, so in this trick I have to enter my creditentials again,
if they are not stylized you can download them as soft sub. you could download the movie too, all using yt-dlp, since you have access I think.
I mentioned how to download subtitles in my post
this is the software ?
hhhhhhhhh Boutaflika is dead my brother, nowadays it is Tebboun the president of Algeria
doing the lord's work
Thank you! extremely helpful answer
dbzer0 wiki ?