OUR president - haha
A community for sharing and discussing art, aesthetics, and music relating to '80s, '90s, and '00s retro microgenres and also art in general now!
Some cool genres and aesthetics include:
If you are unsure if a piece of media is on theme for this community, you can make a post asking if it fits. Discussion posts are encouraged, and particularly interesting topics will get pinned periodically.
No links to a store page or advertising. Links to bandcamps, soundclouds, playlists, etc are fine.
ah Bursima board member Hunter Biden, welcome, we prepared snacks, drinks, and a private opium den type of situation for you over here, let us know if you need anything else
And it sucks because addicts are my people since I'm an alcoholic and nicotine addict myself but you got bougie failsons like this that are totally inoculated from any kind of hardship.