No me gusta
Giving you the backstory and appraisals of vintage memes!
Submissions should be vintage memes or commentary about vintage memes. Commenters are advised to appraise the internet value and provenance meme antiquities.
This was peak comedy back then. They were good times.
I hated the “true story” image SO MUCH
It's still up there.
I was pre Rage, it's what my kids grew up on, but the beauty of it is the simplicity. Even if you don't get into it, you can understand it. It's like a meme dialect, this one is pretty universal.
It's living through the evolution as well. New rage faces would get added and new memes would flood all social media. Jackie Chan would get rage face'd and a new flood would start.
the fact that it's based mainly on typical facial expressions. An angry looking face means angry. You can delve into the "That image actually comes from an interview this guy did and he's reacting to someone who said something stupid" He looks like he's exasperated, and that image means "I'm exasperated." It's readable the way emoji are.