This was peak comedy back then. They were good times.
I hated the “true story” image SO MUCH
It's still up there.
I was pre Rage, it's what my kids grew up on, but the beauty of it is the simplicity. Even if you don't get into it, you can understand it. It's like a meme dialect, this one is pretty universal.
It's living through the evolution as well. New rage faces would get added and new memes would flood all social media. Jackie Chan would get rage face'd and a new flood would start.
the fact that it's based mainly on typical facial expressions. An angry looking face means angry. You can delve into the "That image actually comes from an interview this guy did and he's reacting to someone who said something stupid" He looks like he's exasperated, and that image means "I'm exasperated." It's readable the way emoji are.
I miss the use of le in memes.
I’m sure the French are still making memes.
But what if they're le tired?
Then take le nap... Then FIRE ZE MISSILES!
Bout that time eh chaps?
WTF, mates?
Yes, vee are making le meme
hon hon hon
You seemed to have dropped this
f7u12, executed properly, with just the average amount of 'le', bland/mainstream/non-niche problem, and late-stage rage comics complexity (amount of feces in the last panel). A solid 8/10 I would say, with extra points for classics revival.
Personally I’d give it 5/7, A perfect score!
Is that with or without rice?
Rage comics is what got me hooked on reddit...
Same. Kept hearing people say something was stolen from Reddit on meme base so I went to look
Ngl, it was a good hook back in the day.
Which kinda reminds me - do you think they ever finished translating the lolcat bible?
I give it 5 bags of popcorn and maybe add in a little Aaron Swartz keychain
I think this meme format was the turning point where memes became accessible and the beginning of your everyday normal people using memes like where we are today.
I was there, making and sharing rage comics in its prime
It's art, you wouldn't get it.
i miss those simpler times
Narwhal bacon
Yeah, but when?
Midnight, motherfucker! Midnight!
Noon night?!
We're seeing this almost five years later... That meme is aged itself... Creepy
o rly?
u MAD-CoV-2 ?
"happened in 10 years ago"
Basic grammar is hard, and punctuation too, apparently.
Seeing shit like what?
Antique Memes Roadshow
Giving you the backstory and appraisals of vintage memes!
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