I had an NPC in a RPG that was kind of like this. A werewolf was going berserk in a church. The players were like "Reg! Get out of there!". Reg sees the werewolf rip a corporate stooge in half and come running at him. He goes, "Bro. Fucking metal."
Rolls really high on his social check. Werewolf high fives him and just runs by to go murder more corporate leadership.
I have a hard time telling what this person rolled in the knife situation. Awareness may have been like a 2. Intimidation could have either been a 2 or a 19. I mean the person had 0 idea why they had a knife, nor was considered a threat to let them leave first.. or after. For all we know dude robbed the whole store, asked everyone if they had a problem staying silent and dudes just fucking munching out on a cookie. If they switch to doughnuts they could have been a 90s cop.
I had an NPC in a RPG that was kind of like this. A werewolf was going berserk in a church. The players were like "Reg! Get out of there!". Reg sees the werewolf rip a corporate stooge in half and come running at him. He goes, "Bro. Fucking metal."
Rolls really high on his social check. Werewolf high fives him and just runs by to go murder more corporate leadership.
So what you're saying is, we need more werewolves.
I have a hard time telling what this person rolled in the knife situation. Awareness may have been like a 2. Intimidation could have either been a 2 or a 19. I mean the person had 0 idea why they had a knife, nor was considered a threat to let them leave first.. or after. For all we know dude robbed the whole store, asked everyone if they had a problem staying silent and dudes just fucking munching out on a cookie. If they switch to doughnuts they could have been a 90s cop.
see, that's less interesting because it wasn't a real event, but rather a simulated event