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I sometimes wonder if there’s anyone actually planning this right now. I expected a lot more copycats after the adjuster’s revenge
I've seen this sentiment floating around so you're definitely not alone in this.
On one hand, it is disappointing to see the momentum dying out.
On the other hand, if there are indeed radical people or groups inspired to copy, I'd hope they take the time to do it properly and set a good example. We saw in the 1890s-1900s what can happen if copycat assassinations are done too carelessly.[1] While I don't believe individualist violence is an effective solution to this problem, there can be some good effects so long as targets are well-chosen and methods are successful.
you just need to look: Greenpeace is not exactly the cuddly type. if you want a more violent approach, may i introduce you to Sea Shepherd.
They are pretty much founded by people wanting to give seal hunters a taste of their own medicine. Until now they have executed some quite big and well organised operations.
Unfortunately the most militant side rn is the “conservative” right-wingers; definitely under the thumbs of the establishment. There’s that raid of the “biggest stash of homemade explosives” in FBI in history in Virginia the other day.
The most millitant are the ones most impacted, those living in the Global South under the thumb of US Imperialism.