Naive Man Puts Money Into 401(k) as if Future Exists
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That assumes the banks survive. Cash would probably still be useful, but that assumes Trump wont go full Nazi Germany and just print more money eventually to the point of hyperinflation.
Cash won't hold its value. Investments, on balance, will. Retirement right before the start of World War I would suck. It would suck more to have no broad based investments.
The only reason cash mighty retain value would be because people would still think it does. Really, I have no idea how long that would last. Investments require trust and a working internet in the modern context.
In that scenario there is nothing to buy.
May want to save and invest in case things mostly continue.
Also, get healthier.
if banks fail you might as well eat a bullet you aint sustaining shit
if you’re trying to prepare for nazi america, then invest in beans rice smokes and bullets, then you’ll at least have that bullet
This is why one of my "divestments" is non-cash valuable currency, items such as weapons / tool stockpiles, and training / knowledge. Seriously on that last one is so important if you have a day off learn how to use basic hand and power tools. Learn to cook something. Learn how basic gardening works. Take a CPR and Stop the bleed course, how to do basic electrical work, etc. You don't have to be professional at them but learn how to do them.
Best case scenario, you can be cheaper and look sexy knowing how to cook clean and repair. Worst case scenario, those are going to be worth more than Benjamins in a true SHTF scenario.
I’m always amused at the people that think they can make it through a collapse
first good infection you’re dead