Naive Man Puts Money Into 401(k) as if Future Exists
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
I keep wondering if the incoming tech oligarchy administration will boost stock prices (because that's how they compound the billions) and that will be enough to keep us in this rut longer than we would be otherwise.
The US stock market always performs well during Democratic presidents terms and does not do well during republicans
Not true. https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/07/05/average-stock-market-return-democrat-republican-pr/
Simple starting and ending prices don’t prove this point. Performance isn’t a simple number that you can put over 4 years because not everyone is investing in 4 year periods.
Trump had the worst crash we’ve ever had under him. Bush was also awful. Might as well ignore everything before that for being decades out of date.