Meanwhile my lonely ass been sitting over here absolutely loathing Fallout: New Vegas since its release. I did not like that game. I probably would today if I got over myself and tried playing it again.
+1 for the Tale of Two Wastelands mention. It’s the single greatest mod you can install, because it brings all of the quality of life improvements from New Vegas (like true iron sights) into FO3. Plus all the mods you install on FO:NV will also run on Tale of Two Wastelands, so you can actually get a decent playing experience.
+1 for the Tale of Two Wastelands mention. It’s the single greatest mod you can install, because it brings all of the quality of life improvements from New Vegas (like true iron sights) into FO3. Plus all the mods you install on FO:NV will also run on Tale of Two Wastelands, so you can actually get a decent playing experience.