Try to avoid the popular exports (Leffe for example), there are a lot of breweries that make generally better beers :)
Plus if you got some recommendations for German beers I'm all ears
Most of my experience is with the southern regions, my favorite being Tegernseer Hell - I think I've seen that in Belgium, though that might have been at one of those "sells every kind of beer" kiosks in Brussels.
Thanks. I generally buy my beers from such shops, because regular stores don't sell that many types. I'll check if they have some next time.
Some of my favourites are from l'Hermitage, la Caracole or la Brasserie de la Seine. But there are so many breweries and choices that I could drink a different one every day for the whole year.
I haven't had much Belgian beer, but the ones I had were great!
Try to avoid the popular exports (Leffe for example), there are a lot of breweries that make generally better beers :)
Plus if you got some recommendations for German beers I'm all ears
Thanks for the tip, I'll try to keep a look out!
Most of my experience is with the southern regions, my favorite being Tegernseer Hell - I think I've seen that in Belgium, though that might have been at one of those "sells every kind of beer" kiosks in Brussels.
Thanks. I generally buy my beers from such shops, because regular stores don't sell that many types. I'll check if they have some next time.
Some of my favourites are from l'Hermitage, la Caracole or la Brasserie de la Seine. But there are so many breweries and choices that I could drink a different one every day for the whole year.