Something that totally shocked you learning it or realizing it. I might be using the wrong wording here, but ill give you my example:
In Ocarina of Time, we all know the Triforce was cut, or otherwise not something you get in the game, save for in the cutscenes towards the end. BUT - did you know you can actually go find it and see it in the game?
If you have a Gameshark, turn on the levitation code. Go go Zeldas Cortyard in the room where she is, and fly over the wall. When you fall, you'll land in a pool of invisible water, and underneath the center of the room with the flowers, look down - there it is. Can't interact with it, but you can see it, and i choose to believe putting it in that exact spot was intentional for lore reasons.
What do you got?
It's not super deep, but the theory that the Gen 1 Pokemon evo lines were reworked for Butterfree/Venomoth to better conform with children's understanding of metamorphosis in bug species. Based on visual design, some fans speculate that the original evo lines were:
Venonat > Metapod > Butterfree
Caterpie > Venomoth
But then changed to Cat > Met > Butt and Ven/Ven
Idk i read up on it that sugimori did intend it as it ended up but there's enough doubt and prima facie convincing stuff to make it fun, enduring lore
What's the evidence that it was switched?
Mostly superficial similarities between the body colour, teeth, antennae and eyes
There is no textual evidence of a switch afaik. The fan justification of the switch is that children learn caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly as the basis for metamorphosis, not caterpillar, chrysalis, moth.
I messed up my original post with the line too, it was speculated that the original line was cat > met > moth and ven > butt
Huh. I can kinda see it. Neat.