Or that doesn't try to kill you
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
Probably an airgun and not a very powerful one.
Even if not, I doubt competitors are "shitting their pants" over this. Can't say the bulletproofness rating topped the list of features I was looking for in my next car purchase
If I could afford a new car, I might consider that feature given the potential of the next few years…
More important will be the ability to repair it yourself when things inevitably break. Given that musk is insanely petty and political, you would need to count on whittling Tesla parts from a piece of wood.
Or the fact that Cyber trucks rarely make it more than a few hundred miles (if that) before they shut themselves off. Also, if you are ever in an accident and it loses power, it may very well lock you in the vehicle while it burns you to death.
(Pre morning coffee brainwave)
If someone wants DIY fix their Cybertruck, they should consider adding an isolated, self powered emergency door release mechanism. With explosive bolts. Now that would make it cyberpunk as fuck. Wait, that makes it more vulnerable to weapon fire. Shit now I really need my coffee
He can just shut it down if you’ve gone to [insert any liberal location Musk decides on]. Those things are tracking you and have remote everything that Tesla can control.
Yup. You'd have to replace the computer with one made from wood.
Like this guy
If I could afford a new car, I’d rather move to a neighborhood where my car doesn’t get shot at.
You can DIY bulletproof your own car with phone books if it really matters to you.
I haven’t seen one of those in years. Lol.
The local ibrary might need to weed some outdated encyclopedias though. 🤔
However, as Clarkson demonstrated in Iraq, you can't bulletproof a car with sandbags.
Just get a Toyota Tacoma, doesnt matter which year really they are all abominable and will outlast the Cybertruck.
according to some dude with a lots of guns, youtube channel and a cybertruck it will stop 9x19mm and .22 LR, but not .17 HMR, .223/5.56x45mm, or presumably anything bigger. .17 HMR will stop in doors, but will go through external plate
anyway this is movie plot scenario relevant only to edgelords. maybe it'll be easier to avoid being shot at by not being in a car associated with shitheads
Places that have metal protecting you (legs), places not bullet proof, head and chest.
Doesn't sound that useful. Also the bridge I currently take to go to work as the main bridge is closed for updating for the next few months only supports 3 tons. So a cyber truck couldn't get to my residence without taking a 7 mile detour each way.
(Not that I was ever considering one nor could afford one)
Edit to also add fun fact for those that maybe didn't understand the size of a .22lr or a .223 listed above. .223 is also known as 5.56 NATO. though they sound similar in size, a .223 round has 10x the energy of a .22 (they are much larger and travel much faster)
wait how come this thing is over three tons (metric)
who is this thing for and for what purpose
Not sure who they are for. I have seen a few. I have never seen one tow or haul anything yet though. So I think they are just for looking strange.
Kadyrov put a NSV machinegun on it, but it's only for celebratory gunfire and joyrides, it's nowhere near capable of frontline use
4wd swastika
Wait are the windows Bulletproof? Because I don't think you can do that and still comply with safety regulations.
No https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/window-break.gif?w=600
Given that the Swastikkkars haven't had any sort of certification from NHTSA or any other testing institute, I think we can safely say they don't.
Cars with bulletproof windows definitely exist and can be driven on the street?
Interesting. Must be some sort of safety exemption?
I guess you could have a bullet proof layer seperated by some air and some extra layers of plastic in-between, sounds like it would be hella chunky though.
Back a couple decades ago in the industry it was kind of a trade off between splattering your skull on the window, or stopping rifle rounds. Seems like improvements might have been made.
They definitely look to be dents from spheres to me. Maybe just a slingshot.
I went down a rabbithole recently because I was convinced of the same. Apparently this is the only claim that's actually true. You can take your pick of videos on youtube. You can find things that will pen it, but not your random 9mm or other handgun.
Having said that, it makes complete sense to me that the "I must be ready to dispense death at any moment" crowd also thinks they need a vehicle that is prepared to repel other people dispensing death at any moment.
Most of that crowd seem to be against the idea of electric vehicles though.