Nah, man. People with seizures aren't allowed to drive, along with many others with certain health conditions. You drive while you can blow over 0.08, that's on you. An exception of "he's medically drunk a lot" is dumb as hell.
That's not how a breathalyzer works. It picks up on what is off gassed from your lungs in oxygen exchange from breathing. It goes from blood, to lungs, to breathalyzer. Your mouth or stomach isn't involved.
Nah, man. People with seizures aren't allowed to drive, along with many others with certain health conditions. You drive while you can blow over 0.08, that's on you. An exception of "he's medically drunk a lot" is dumb as hell.
Excellent point.
The catch is, he probably would blow .00, since he doesn't have any alcohol going through is mouth
That's not how a breathalyzer works. It picks up on what is off gassed from your lungs in oxygen exchange from breathing. It goes from blood, to lungs, to breathalyzer. Your mouth or stomach isn't involved.
In other words, it's going to work just fine.
Breathalyzers work by measuring alcohol that enters the lungs from the bloodstream.