Went through most if not all of the stimulant treatments 15+ years ago. The most reaction I got was panic attacks for routine stuff at work. In the meantime depression has taken over, with similar lack of response to treatment.
I feel like I'm an onion inside of a Russian nesting doll stuck in a can of worms that tumbled out of Pandora's box and down the stairs to be kicked around the neighborhood by bored old timey kids before getting stuck in a storm drain and abandoned.
I've passed the third section and moved into the fourth, horrible section. "Diagnosed ADHD but no medication will work."
Went through most if not all of the stimulant treatments 15+ years ago. The most reaction I got was panic attacks for routine stuff at work. In the meantime depression has taken over, with similar lack of response to treatment.
I feel like I'm an onion inside of a Russian nesting doll stuck in a can of worms that tumbled out of Pandora's box and down the stairs to be kicked around the neighborhood by bored old timey kids before getting stuck in a storm drain and abandoned.
Maybe what you're experiencing is an accurate emotional assessment of the state of our society.