Intense Action ร
A community for memes about anime, manga, games or any kind of media about yuri (girls love).
do u maybe think im overdoing it?
like - maybe it's making peeps uncomfy, or they get annoyed at long comments taking up screen space..
maybe i should put the texts in a spoiler?
^hihi^ ^u^ ^clicked^ ^on^ ^spoiler^ ^>v<^or maybe peeps are mostly fine with it.. but what if not, u kno? - - -
Nah, and it's cute. I like your unfiltered braindumps.
No! It's unique and cute and fun. Keep being you <3
Aw dang it, you got me with the spoiler :3
Keep cooking, these comments make me feel warm and fuzzy whenever I encounter them. I'd rather my screen space be taken up by something cute and positive, anyway.
thanksies!!! <3
i will try to not alter the way i speek ~