iceberg moment or whatever but the first movie had insufferable fandom 🫠
movie itself was fine, both 2 and 1 have some kid-level basically fart jokes or whatever, overall agree that the direction had/has younger target audience
animation nerd opinions //I prefer Lightchasers' dieselpunk take on nezha (New Gods: Nezha Reborn 2021) which came out similar same time as Coco Animation's Nezha 2019, and big fan of Lightchaser's fengshen (investiture of the gods) "cinematic universe" // note, Coco Animation 可可豆动画 also has their own line/takes on fengshen (investiture of the gods), Jiang Ziya 2020 was really good tbh I liked that better than the first Nezha film
iceberg moment or whatever but the first movie had insufferable fandom 🫠
movie itself was fine, both 2 and 1 have some kid-level basically fart jokes or whatever, overall agree that the direction had/has younger target audience
animation nerd opinions //
I prefer Lightchasers' dieselpunk take on nezha (New Gods: Nezha Reborn 2021) which came out similar same time as Coco Animation's Nezha 2019, and big fan of Lightchaser's fengshen (investiture of the gods) "cinematic universe" // note, Coco Animation 可可豆动画 also has their own line/takes on fengshen (investiture of the gods), Jiang Ziya 2020 was really good tbh I liked that better than the first Nezha film