Imagine China taking market shares away from hollywood
They really ought to try, their soft power in the world is alarmingly bad considering the potential. How on earth is Occupied Korean media more widespread and mainstream than Chinese?
There are systemic barriers for China in this regard that occupied Korea doesn't have to deal with. If Chinese media gets too big western countries can just decide to shut them out, ban them from entering the western media space, and they can apply pressure on non-Western countries to do so as well under the pretext that Chinese cinema is a vehicle for "CCP propaganda" (which is pure projection considering the incestuous relationship that Hollywood has with the US military industrial complex and its involvement with the liberal regime change industry).
yall have no idea how mad I was that I couldn't see 30000 miles from Chang'an on big screen theaters when it came out because no theaters in the US was putting it on, at least in my area. tbh I was surprised that Nezha 2 is getting any screens in the US now
That's how i feel right now, sitting in the EU, about Ne Zha 2. It's like, here's one movie that i actually don't want to pirate, but i can't pay to see's beyond stupid.
They don't even have to try an project any soft power. Merely if Chinese people stop consuming Western media for some reason, Hollywood etc. will be hit significantly.
Please. Anything but
4chan is, predictably, skeptical that this movie really made so much money. So that probably means that's the popular opinion on reddit and other social media too. Because the Chinese would definitely lie about something so trivial /s
It's un fucking believable the biggest cartoon release in history is censored in the UK and Europe. Fucking freedom, can't event take the little one to see a cartoon cause it's about underdogs rising against their oppressors.
Anyone got a magnet link?
Been looking for one too, but can't even find cam recordings. Ne Zha 1 is available though, so the sequel will probably be seeded as well once its released on their streaming platforms.
This was recommended to me relatively recently on Xiao Hong Shu. I wasn't sure what version to get, and I guess I have my answer! Thanks comrade!
Every time you sneeze China breaks into and dominants another medium or area of technology.
many people say that it's a pretty cool movie, but what about ne zha 1?
I haven't seen the second one yet, and i'm not sure when i will be able to since there is no announcement of it being released in Europe any time soon (thanks EU censorship!), but i have seen the first and i thought it was pretty good.
Some parts of the humor didn't translate for me, perhaps it was targeted towards younger audiences, but the visuals were pretty cool for 2019 and they did some things in that regard that i don't think i've seen western animation do so far.
iceberg moment or whatever but the first movie had insufferable fandom 🫠
movie itself was fine, both 2 and 1 have some kid-level basically fart jokes or whatever, overall agree that the direction had/has younger target audience
animation nerd opinions //
I prefer Lightchasers' dieselpunk take on nezha (New Gods: Nezha Reborn 2021) which came out similar same time as Coco Animation's Nezha 2019, and big fan of Lightchaser's fengshen (investiture of the gods) "cinematic universe" // note, Coco Animation 可可豆动画 also has their own line/takes on fengshen (investiture of the gods), Jiang Ziya 2020 was really good tbh I liked that better than the first Nezha film
Holy shit, it's Chinese Yakub!
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