submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world to c/enshittification@lemmy.world

Cant imagine making 30 k a year and having to pay even 1600 in taxes. This is saying it will increase that much.

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[-] Muaddib@sopuli.xyz -3 points 2 weeks ago

Americans won't form violent groups because they're trapped in the mind prison of nonviolence. They think violence is wrong.

[-] GeeDubHayduke@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

What are you smoking?

The only country in the whole world with thousands of school shootings annually thinks violence is wrong? The country where the police force is trained to view themselves as an occupying force and civilians are enemy combatants is averse to violence? The country who's leader is currently cheerleading multiple genocides is peaceful?!?!1?

Can you even define "violence?" Because this country personifies it.

[-] Muaddib@sopuli.xyz 0 points 2 weeks ago

The country's political classes are violent. The people are trained to be nonviolent. This gives the state a monopoly on violence, which cements their control. Americans will be free when they stop worshipping at the shrine of nonviolence.

[-] GeeDubHayduke@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 2 weeks ago

You're right. Right after we stop driving our cars though protestors and shooting people through closed and locked doors we can "stop worshipping at the shrine of nonviolence."

"America's is nonviolent" is probably gonna go down as the singular stupidest thing i read all year. 'grats.

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

it's more nuanced than that.

certain kinds of violence are glorified, because that which is forbidden is coveted.

Certain kinds of violence are acceptable, because it targets groups that are considered lesser.

Ask anyone if "is violence sometimes ok?" and you'll always get a loud and resounding "no", and it's so obviously a lie. You can even get them tripped up in the lie if you ask "what if someone is breaking into your home?" or other questions in which someone else is committing violence first. They'll begrudgingly admit that sometimes violence is ok, but that's different! If the person is open minded enough, you might even get to more nuanced scenarios than that, but good luck.

We have the largest military spending in the world, and we call it "defense".

Superman and Batman are two of the most iconic characters in fiction, and they Do Not Kill. It's a big deal if they break that rule, or that piece of media is kinda trash, that happens too. I like to call them "defenders of the status quo", because the companies that own them (not just them but also other characters that serve the same purpose) won't ever let them make things better. If they ever try, that's portrayed as a bad thing. We're told through these media that the real world as it is, is as good as it gets. The real world sucks ass, the bad guys won, and they're not even cool bad guys.

I think I lost the plot somewhere in there. Time for another drink!

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 2 weeks ago

There is still a lot of violent potential in all this population, it just needs to be nurtured by a working grassroots movement. And that is broken. Just like you can drive a car with a working motor, that has a busted axle; you cannot lead violent people to do things if there is no place to hook up or meet in person.

This applies to the people who oppose you as much as you, and I mean anyone. So, the current situation is sort of a stabilizing force at the moment

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world -1 points 2 weeks ago

It’s because it IS wrong. Animals resort to violence when they don’t get their way.

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 weeks ago

Don't kid yourself, you're pro-violence if you're okay with how the system is now.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago

Where in what I said did you interpret that I was okay with how the system is?

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

You just claimed all violence is wrong, in reply to why people are choosing "nonviolence" which is a liberal propagandized view because the entire system is predicated on very active violence, just not in front of the consumers.

Also odd to call all animals wrong for "choosing" violence, I'm not certain how you define it, but colloquially violence is either inherently part of how nature works or a choice that is within some human defined morality that cannot be blanket applied to other animals.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

“LiBruL pROpAgAnDa!”

For fucks sake. It’s not propaganda to think violence isn’t the answer to political problems. Have you never heard the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right?” If not, learn it, if so, them tire being willfully obtuse.

And you know damn well I didn’t mean “animals” to imply actual animals. It’s a term. How about you replace “animals” with “losers,” or “assholes” instead.

Lastly, I tend to avoid arguing with smug and arrogant people that try and rub pseudo-intellectual bullshit all over everything. So…

Have a day.

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 weeks ago

It's propaganda to think that violence isnt a last resort. I hope you never in a position to need self-defense because you seem to not believe in it.

Why would I assume otherwise? I would never call another group of people "animals," that's dehumanizing. Why would I assume someone who is nonviolence is okay with equating other people to animals, is kindness and respect not a core belief of nonviolence?

Quick to call others smug and arrogant because you can't have a dialogue.

I hope you break out of your cognitive dissonance chamber one day.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

If one thinks violence is the only way to solve your problems. They are no more than an animal. This is my belief. I won’t apologize because you disagree. Evolution has allowed us to solve our problems without the need to kill people.

Oh and…

This isn’t cognitive dissonance. I know it’s a nice sounding big word that makes you sound smart, but it doesn’t apply here. My actions and my belief are perfectly aligned, so… Maybe learn what it means before you toss that one around, mmmkay?

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

Did you miss the last resort part of my comment? No one is saying it's the only way, you're saying it's not a way whatsoever and I'm saying it's a way and one that should be avoided.

People are already being exposed to violence in the system. It's already happening. Why are you for that?

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I’m saying it’s not even a last resort. Because there are many ways to fix problems without violence.

And please don’t edit my statement to mean anything other than what I said. I’m not ”for” anything here. I’ve said nothing that even remotely lends to it. So maybe your reading comprehension issue stems from the idea that you try and make things equate to what you want them to instead of what reality shows they do.

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

Then give me a few we haven't tried because I've been searching

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

So… in my opinion, and my opinion only- what do I suggest we do In this specific situation where America is seemingly fucked with no way out?

I suggest we just accept it, and hope that in four years the ninety million some-odd fucking assholes that didn’t want to listen to anyone in November decide to get off their smug and entitled asses and participate this time- because this could have easily been avoided.

We had plenty of warning. We all saw this coming from miles away. We were TOLD what was going to happen. And there were no excuses.

So yeah. I’d say that we all reap what has been sewn by the smug and entitled that chose to not take the warnings seriously. I’d say the we collectively sleep in the bed they made for us. And while we all suffer together- I’d say they should not avert their eyes or turn their head when the oppressive weight of this authoritarian dictatorship begins to press down HARD on them, their loved ones, and their fellow citizens. Because they definitely share in the blame for it happening-

Nothing is happening now that they didn’t knowingly allow to happen. So we have naught to do but watch as any good that remains in America begins to rot away- with, and because of the bad like a barrel of abandoned apples.

And as for a violent response?

Yeah. I don’t understand how this isn’t more fundamentally understood, but let’s cover it anyway:

It’s not 1775 anymore. Things have changed.

ANY violent response to Краснов and his administration can and probably will- only result in a colossal retaliatory response that will cost FAR too many innocent lives to be lost and all but guarantee a temporary to permanent military takeover and occupation of every state in the nation.

I sincerely hope that anyone thinking to organize a violent response to Краснов look up what martial law means, and make their peace with the fact that this is what they’re going to bring down on every citizen in this country.

Because that’s where we are headed.

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Sorry we already tried nothing I said new ideas.

And of course you're pro-violence if your idea of nonviolence is "let them kill."

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

ROFL… okay. I’m done entertaining bad faith arguments.

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

You haven't been. You're not nonviolence if you support doing nothing when senseless violence occurs. It's not 1776, no one said it was, and to use that as your reference point shows you have ignored all change since then.

Nonviolence is not "dont hurt me" it's about trying to bring an end to violence.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I’ve said what I felt needed to be said. As much as I know how you all LOVE telling others who and what they are- and what they feel and believe, I’m not going to argue with you about what MY take is.

So go on and believe whatever it is you’d like to believe. about me, about whoever you need to build a straw man against. Because that belief- your belief, is not mine to edit.

You’d do well to understand what this means, and then start practicing it yourself.

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yes please sit back and do nothing that's what they want. Your take is an illogical loop and no matter how much your take is yours, it's still a bad take. I hope you're around in a few years and get to see that 4 year point, and that you feel your nonviolence only approach is still fine as they kill and enslave thousands.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)


Even after I pointed how how you have no argument without creating a straw man out of my own words-

You go and do it again in response.

Please… tell me ALL about myself. Go on. The stage is yours. The lighting favors you tonight!

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 weeks ago

Sure! I used to be nonviolent, then I saw that the other side still chose violence. Then I tried to reason, and they still chose violence. Then I pled, and they still chose violence. Then I watched my friends and family die. When I asked for help, I was smugly told they were nonviolent and watched me die with a smile on their faces, thinking that because they only allowed it to happen and didn't feel the blood on their own skin they sidestepped their own morals safely.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Okay… so, please share:

What violence are you doing in protest exactly? Better yet- maybe it’s best we set the floor on what is it that you consider to be acts of violence to begin with? Because I’ve seen absolutely nothing at all that comes close to any recognizable violent acts committed in protest. Not even a little bit.

The most I’ve seen?

Spray painted Cybertrucks.

So please… Without specifics of course, tell me- aside from multitudes of paragraphs in Internet forums, what have you done exactly to back up your claims here?

Because I truly believe that all this talk of supporting violence against those that would put violence on us is a lot of saber-rattling bullshit, said by a lot of people that don’t have the means or the balls to carry it out.

And no, this is not inciteful, or a dare to action. It’s simply calling it as I know it it’s, and as I know it always will be.

You people couldn’t even be bothered to vote. So… Trust me when I say that no one expects any of you to do much as lift a finger off your keyboards to do anything that requires actual effort.

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

My claims? My claim is, as I said before, is that violence should not be ruled out as a final option. That's it. I never said we were at that point. You're desperate to paint me as a violent person because I am willing to defend people from killers who control who they get to kill.

To entertain you, I volunteer in my communities in person and develop support systems within them. Violence now is not the conversation.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

Right, so then what the fuck it’s this nonsense?

Sure! I used to be nonviolent, then I saw that the other side still chose violence. Then I tried to reason, and they still chose violence. Then I pled, and they still chose violence. Then I watched my friends and family die. When I asked for help, I was smugly told they were nonviolent and watched me die with a smile on their faces, thinking that because they only allowed it to happen and didn't feel the blood on their own skin they sidestepped their own morals safely.

Seriously, it reads like mall-ninja superhero revenge-fantasy bullshit.

Kid, it’s one thing to talk shit and sound like a badass online- preaching how violence is the only way to overcome. It’s another thing altogether to actually commit yourself to it. There are real-world consequences to what you’re suggesting. And I can tell you’re clearly not mature enough to understand what shit like that does to a person.

[-] optissima@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 weeks ago

There was no revenge in my story, only the violence you already have condoned.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

Deep and irrelevant, bud. Deep and irrelevant. Have fun storming the castle.

The allied soldiers who killed the nazi soldiers are... doing something wrong?


[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world -3 points 2 weeks ago

Nice whatabout. Not entertaining it.

[-] AlexanderTheDead@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

That's not what a whatabout is.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

“Animals resort to violence”

“Whatabout allies soldiers?”

Yes it is.

[-] AlexanderTheDead@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago

Here, I know it's confusing if you haven't read about what the "whatabout" logical fallacy means, so I'll post it for you here.

"the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue."

Unfortunately, you are objectively wrong about this. Feel free to try and change the meaning, if you want, but currently that is not what a "whatabout" is. In this case, calling it a "whatabout" is being used to deflect from facts that you cannot reckon with because they challenge your beliefs.

I hope you're able to take this information in and accept it. Good luck. Pacifism is virtuous.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

You know, in a way, depending on perspective, you’re right. However the way I see it is-

Instead of actually arguing against my point, you’re using another completely unrelated point to prove it wrong. Meaning that allied wartime forces were not engaging in acts of violence because they couldn’t solve their disputes. They were doing their job.

One could argue that the military commanders were guilty of this- and I’d see the logic in that argument, but…

In my opinion, ALL things can be resolved without violence. Only, the problem with that is, people generally don’t like the option to solve things peacefully because it usually requires either compromise or hard work. And since we’re an all-or-nothing society now, peaceful compromise is just too much effort.

So yeah. Maybe your right that it’s not what whataboutism, but it’s definitely a false eloquence-

A false equivalence fallacy involves treating multiple situations or viewpoints as equivalent despite their significant differences. This sometimes results from faulty reasoning, but it is often used deliberately to lead an audience to a desired conclusion.

…which in my perspective, is far worse. Because in your example, you’re insulting the men and women who served to protect us by using them to illustrate the idea that they’re incapable of solving their issues without violence.

I hope you’re able to take this information and accept it. Good luck. Violence is animalistic.

[-] AlexanderTheDead@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago

You were arguing with a different person, I just don't like it when pseudo intellectuals try to deflect valid criticism by incorrectly citing logical fallacies.

Don't care enough to argue with you about the rights and wrongs of violence. But I do care enough to point out that it's also not a false equivalence.

You are very clearly stating that violence ALWAYS wrong. That's what you said, I think verbatim?

They are giving you a scenario where they think violence was not wrong.

You are better off not talking about logical fallacies, it's making you seem dumber than I am sure you actually are.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

And you’re better off not accusing others of pseudo intellectualism with a comment history that reads like a cautionary tale on how not to be aggressively obnoxious.

How do you like them apples?

[-] AlexanderTheDead@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago

I mean, you've misused two logical fallacies.

I'm not claiming to be an intellectual, I am also a pseudo intellectual.

I like being snide. I like being obnoxious. It's fun to take people down a peg when they think they're smarter than they are.

"How do you like them apples?" 😭

Grow up. You lost the factual argument, and you're embarassing yourself by perpetuating an emotional argument with a stranger on the internet. Me? I don't care how losers see me.

Sometimes, I will double down when I'm wrong, even if I know I'm wrong. It's pretty fucking pathetic to be honest.

See, I like being an asshole, and I hate myself for it. There's nothing you can say that will affect me beyond provoking me into a tirade.

And now, I've already won, but I like having the last laugh. Any time you respond to me from now on, I'm just going to respond "lol". Your best bet is to realize that we both suck, and if you want to improve, you should simply block me/ignore me and self-reflect.

Have some self-respect. I don't, and look at where I am.

[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I mean, No I haven’t.

And- lol… what an absolute disaster of a response that was.

Thanks for admitting you’re a waste of effort though…. It saves a lot of time.

[-] FreakinSteve@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago
[-] Rhoeri@lemmy.world -2 points 2 weeks ago

Profound! As was the last time you said the exact same thing.

this post was submitted on 22 Feb 2025
150 points (98.1% liked)


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